Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 421 Stop Doing Stupid Things!

Chapter 421 Stop Doing Stupid Things!
When Gao Lanxiang learned of Ji Shuxing's accident, she was so frightened that she ran to the shopping mall.

Ji Feiyun followed behind, and his legs moved quickly.

Gao Lanxiang saw a lot of people gathered around the entrance of the shopping mall from a distance, and almost fell to the ground in panic, "Feixue, don't do stupid things."

A woman with disheveled hair and plaid clothing holds a sharp knife at the checkout counter at the mall.She broke into the cash register out of control.She kept cursing: "Ji Feishuang, you can't even lay eggs yourself, and you still have broken shoes behind my brother's back. Obviously you are wrong. Why did you destroy my marriage?"

The woman was hysterical and smashed everything on Ji Feishuang's counter. "If it weren't for your Ji family, I wouldn't be where I am today. I have no way to live, and you don't want to live either!"

Through the glass cabinet, she couldn't cut Ji Feishuang, so she kicked the door frantically.

She had a handful in her hand, and several attendants tried to stop her from going any further.Unexpectedly, she swung the knife indiscriminately, and no one dared to move forward.

As the door was kicked into pieces, she rushed into the till and stabbed her with a knife.

Amidst the screams of the crowd, Ji Feishuang wrestled with her, but she was crazy and had a knife in her hand.Ji Feishuang is no match.Seeing the sharp knife cutting her face, she had to hide in a corner.

The hand holding the knife fell without hesitation, but was blocked in midair.

Na Zhuoyuan grabbed her arm and pulled her back.The crazy woman fell off the shelf and hit the shelf several times.Her body fell heavily to the ground, and the knife slammed in the distance.

Ji Feishuang's legs went limp and she slid to the ground.Zhuo Yuanyuan held the handle and said nervously, "Are you okay?"

She was shaking like chaff.

Na Zhuo remotely supported her out of the cash register.Unexpectedly, the crazy woman suddenly jumped up from the ground, picked up a knife and stabbed Ji Feixue.

Ji Feishuang was frightened, his legs went limp, and he fell on Zhuo Yuanyuan's body.Unable to escape, an arm reflected from the terrified pupil suddenly stood in front of her.

With a "hiss", the sharp knife cut through the cotton-padded coat, and blood spurted out.

Regardless of the pain, Zhuo Yuanyuan hit the crazy woman on the side of the neck with his backhand.The crazy woman fell to the ground with a plop, unconscious.

All this was seen by Gao Lanxiang who came here.She rushed over in a panic: "Ayu, are you okay?"

"Mom." In his mother's arms, Ji Feixue returned to his soul. She trembled and pressed her lips tightly together: "I'm fine. Brother Zhuo saved me."

Several waiters hurried forward and tied up the unconscious crazy woman.

After Gao Lanxiang comforted her daughter, she saw Zhuo Yuanyuan's arm bleeding, "Xiao Chen, are you injured?"

The winter in the south is not very cold.In addition, Zhuo Yuanyuan will help move the goods to the warehouse today.Zhuo Yuanyuan wore a thin padded jacket.He was cut open with a knife, and the blood was red.

Ji Feishuang saw that her arm was bleeding, and quickly pressed her arm forward to stop the bleeding. "Go to the clinic."

Seeing her flustered expression, Zhuo Yuanyuan comforted him: "It's okay. I didn't hurt any muscles or bones."

"How could it be okay to bleed so much?" Ji Feixue thought he had saved his life, so she dragged him to the clinic.

Ji Feiyun followed him and told the staff to call the police without saying a word.

The lunatic has bruises on his face.He looks very familiar.Where did he seem to have seen it?
In her mind, she thought it was Wang Na, Ma Jianshe's son-of-a-bitch stepsister!
The family is sick.Obviously, it was their family that was at fault.How dare they kill with a knife.

The police station rushed to the police station after receiving the alarm.Old Xu and Xiao Chen are here.

At this time, Wang Na had already recovered.Although her hands were tied, she was still excited, showing her teeth and eyes.Especially when she saw the Ji family, her eyes turned red with hatred, and the words in her mouth were hard to hear.

(End of this chapter)

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