Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 424 This is what Ji Feiyun wants.

Chapter 424 This is what Ji Feiyun wants.

Ji Feiyun had a bad feeling, "Sister, don't you feel sorry for her? Don't forget how she bullied you at Ma's house before. It was entirely her fault that she was abused at her husband's house. It has nothing to do with us."

Flies will not bite seamless eggs.If it wasn't for the greed of the Ma family, how could she jump into the fire pit?It's just that liars meet worse liars.

The eldest brother is kind-hearted and easily soft-hearted.Otherwise, he would not have been abused in the Ma family for many years.As long as Ma Jianshe admits his mistakes and apologizes, he will forgive him again and again.

No matter what she thinks, Ji Feiyun will not let her kindness show.There are no good people in the Ma family.They are all crazy.Today, if it wasn't for Senior Brother Wu, you might have died.Now she is caught by the police, but she still does not repent.She kept yelling about killing you and our family.As for what they did to you before, they didn't reflect on it at all.The police will come to him later to confess.If you understand, Brother Zhuo won't say anything if you don't investigate.When she's released, she won't be sure the knife stabbed my mum or me..."

"Feiyun, I didn't mean that." Ji Feishuang was stunned.He felt a little pity at the thought that his own family might be hurt, and was instantly wiped out. "Everyone should be held accountable for what they did. I will not remain indifferent."

very good.This is what Ji Feiyun wants.

As for Na Zhuo Yuanyuan, he has always been jealous.Plus, he's been working together for a long time.He knew Ji Shuxing's inhuman experience in Ma's house.He is not a sympathetic person.

Besides, who would be happy to be stabbed?
Lao Xu and Xiao Chen rushed to the hospital to find out the situation.Although Wang Na wounded someone with a knife because of losing control, it constituted a malicious injury.Although no serious consequences were caused, Zhuo Yuanyuan's condition has reached the standard of minor injuries, which is a criminal offense.

Ji Feiyun was afraid that Lao Xu would open his mouth to help others, so he acted first. "Uncle Wang, the Ma family hurt my sister more than once or twice. Considering personal safety, we refuse to understand. We'd better apply for a writ of habeas corpus to prohibit the Ma family from approaching us."

Uncle Wang was old is this girlShe is very old and stable and even has a writ of habeas corpus.Why didn't he know there was such a law?
Wang Na's situation is indeed a bit special, but she can't vent her grievances on others.

Old Xu didn't say anything more.He recorded the statement, asked Ji Feishuang and Zhuo Yuanyuan to sign, and drew a letter of guarantee.

At noon, not only Gao Lanxiang came, but also Nan Yongpeng, Ji Feixue and others who learned about the situation also came.Stewed chicken with ginseng, pork liver, wolfberry soup, hospital toiletries, etc. are all newly bought in the mall.They took two new clothes.At first glance, the price is not low.

The ward was full of people, and Zhuo Yuanyuan felt very uncomfortable.He felt like a monkey surrounded by people. "Actually, I'm really fine. I don't feel well in the hospital."

Gao Lanxiang didn't care that much.In short, she wanted to express her gratitude: "Xiao Chen, one drop of blood, three bowls of rice. You bleed so much. You must put on more makeup. Eat while it's hot. This is all made by your aunt. You What do you want to eat tonight, my aunt will make it for you!"

Zhuo Yuanyuan has never received so much love and care in his decades of life.Zhuo Yuanyuan's throat was stuck.He was not feeling well.

When everyone else was gone, Nam Yongpeng patted him on the back, reminding him of the experience of people in the past, "You have to get used to it later."

Gao Lanxiang is like this.She usually looks fierce and savage, but she's tired of being nice to people.

The dinner was delivered by Ji Feixue.In addition to chicken soup at noon, there is also braised pork.

Zhuo Yuanyuan couldn't laugh or cry.He had never eaten so much in his life.It was a blessing to be stabbed.

There is also an elderly mother in the family who needs to be cared for.As soon as Ji Feixue left, Zhuo Yuanyuan left.

It was already dark outside, and Zhuo Yuanyuan followed Ji Feixue not far or far away.When she was sure she was back at the store safely, he turned and headed home.

(End of this chapter)

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