Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 429 Let's laugh it off!

Chapter 429 Let it go with a smile!

Ji Shuxing has always been broad-minded.He thought Tian Shuchang was worried about the future.Tian Jingwen has a bad temper, but he is not ungrateful.After listening to his mother-in-law, he didn't ask any questions.

Smile it off and keep eating.

Ji Feiyun took the order to go to the countryside to hold a banquet.Except for a few hard drives, the rest are paid by the store, and the profit is not high.However, it's also an easy job as long as his family has a cook and helper.

However, that day happened to be a sunny day.The store is doing very well.In addition, the final exam is about to review.Nan Yongpeng can't afford the job.He had to give it to Zhuo Yuanyuan.

As for the helper, his injured hand wasn't quite there yet.It was Ji Feixue who had a tacit understanding.Besides, Nan Yongpeng will go out to study in a year or two, and Ji Shuxing will one day carry the banner.It's okay to adapt early.

During the meal, I specially asked Ji Shuxing to come over to discuss.

Ji Feishuang declined to comment. "Okay, I'll tell you what I'm going to do tomorrow."

After dinner, Ji Feiyun followed her back to the shopping mall, intending to close the door and take a rest to see if the goods were not enough.

Before he could get to the door, a dark figure rushed out of the darkness and almost ran into them.

At this time, someone ran out from the mall, "I was robbed, I was robbed..."

Both are silly.When they looked back, there was no shadow.

Ji Feiyun's people are ignorant.Did you just brush shoulders with the robbers?
The salesman was shaking with fear.She is a temporary cashier, going to eat instead of Ji Feixue.She didn't expect to be so unlucky to be robbed.

When she bowed her head to check out, a sharp knife suddenly hit her in the neck and threatened to hand over the money.

The visitor wears a mask that only shows the eyes and mouth.He looks vicious.

The store has little to lose.Due to the usual good habits, there are many items in the store.When changing shifts at noon and night, Ji Feishuang would take the money home, leaving only enough change.

The loss was only 20 bucks.

But what is even worse is that the robbers searched several cabinets but found no cash.He hastily grabbed two Hanakos from the counter and ran away.

Ji Feiyun was very angry.He dared to steal her territory.It's like a long-lived person hanged himself.It's too long!
In addition to calling the police, she also went to Brother Long the next morning.

When he learned that someone was causing trouble on his site, Brother Long was very angry and patted the table. "Don't worry, Xiao Feiyun. Since you dare not show me face, I'll dig three feet and catch him too. Hey, what does that son of a bitch look like!"

Although wearing a veiled hat, figures and voices can still be discerned.

"Middle-aged men?" Stealing money also brings cigarettes, whether smokers or poor people.

The point is that the young people on his territory are all middle-aged?
Dogs have dog runways, cats have cat runways.Brother Long will speak out soon.Anyway, we have to find the bastard with no eyes.In addition, Xiao Feiyun was still covered by him.If you dare to hit her, you will have a grudge against Brother Long!

I came back from Brother Heilong, and as soon as I entered Xiaobailou, I heard a rough sound coming from the private room.The harsh noise and the strong smell of smoke made the diners in the lobby disagree.

There are six people in the room.They have already eaten.They smoke, drink, talk nonsense, speak rudely, and swear.They made the waiter turn blue with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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