Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 433 What happened to Ji Feishuang?

Chapter 433 What happened to Ji Feishuang?
Ji Feiyun put the work on the counter, turned around and climbed the stairs to find Ji Shuxing.

She ran to the third floor in one breath.The room is empty.Where are people?
Then she went back to Xiaobailou, but there was no Xiaobailou anymore.She hurriedly looked for Zhuo Yuanyuan, "Brother Zhuo, have you seen my eldest sister?"

"No." Zhuo Yuancheng was confused, "What happened to Feishuang?"

"Let's go." Ji Feiyun's face was pale. Is there any problem?

Nan Yongpeng comforted her and said, "Let's look again. Maybe she met some friends and went out to play."

He drew a few hands, put down his work, and went out to look for them.

The town is not big, so I searched quickly.Wu Changan rode a tricycle and searched for the cement factory along the embankment, but it was still missing.

He suddenly felt frightened.Ji Feiyun was in a hurry to call the police, and as soon as he walked out of the small white building, he saw a letter thrown on the ground.

This is a blackmail letter.

The kidnappers still have brains.The letter was not handwritten, but words cut from newspapers were glued together.

The kidnappers demanded a ransom of 3 yuan.He warned not to call the police, or he would tear up the ticket.

The time frame to raise funds is short.The ransom must be paid tomorrow morning.

I have 9 in debt, but now I have to raise 3.Is it hard to rob a bank?

Ji Feiyun was so angry that his liver hurt.It is impossible not to call the police, but it is impossible for the abductee to recognize Ji Shuxing and take Ji Shuxing out if an acquaintance appears.

After negotiation, Zhuo Yuanyuan took the kidnapping letter to the police station.

The police department was shocked.This is the largest kidnapping case in the county since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The director came out in person, and everyone was ready.

The two plainclothes turned around and entered the dining car, and entered Xiaobailou. "Do you have any enemies?" Or has anyone you offended recently? "

The enemy is not a bad person, but there are many people who offend him, but there are very few people who can make such a big noise.

The Ji family has two main suspects.One is the Ma family who killed people with a knife.However, with the IQ of the Ma family, they shouldn't be doing such difficult technical work.The most suspicious one is Tian Jingwen.The reasons are good.His family is sick!

Under the arrangement of the police, the Ma family was quickly cleared of suspicion, but the gratitude and resentment between the Ji family and the Tian family cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

Tian Weidong didn't have the guts, but Tian Jingwen was a bit hard to say.He has been an old ruffian for more than 20 years and spent five years in prison.

He is wandering around the village today.Alibi is strong.

The police did not scare the snake.They continued to spy on him.As long as he planned it, they would find clues.

The letter stated that the kidnappers did not pay the ransom at the location to test whether the Ji family had raised money, and worried that the police would deploy in advance.

The immediate priority is to raise funds as quickly as possible.If the kidnapper is a desperado, I'm afraid he will tear up the ticket.

Ji Shuxing and his wife went out to work.When they got home, they learned that their eldest brother had been kidnapped, but Gao Lanxiang didn't come up at all, her eyes were blackened.

Money can be earned without money, but people can be lost without people.

A few years ago, it needed a lot of money to expand production and reserves.Now there are only a few thousand yuan left in the passbook.Where can I get money for emergencies?

Nan Yongpeng contacted Li Yanmei before the end of the post office work.He didn't say why.He just asked Ji Feilong to take out all the money in the canteen passbook, and he had to come back no matter how late it was.

All the money was still more than 20,000 yuan short, and it was already dark.

Considering the special situation, the director sought the advice of his superiors and approached director Liang of the credit union, hoping to raise a sum of money.

After hearing the news of Ji Feishuang's kidnapping, Director Liang was both shocked and sympathetic, but he was only the person in charge of the Town Credit Cooperative and had no such power at all. "This matter has to be communicated with each other and through special procedures. It would be a crime for me to advocate for unauthorized fundraising."

It will take time to report the ventilation situation layer by layer, and it is already off work.

He's still trying to raise money.Nan Yongpeng went back to his room alone to calm down.Not long after, the door rang.

It was Na Zhuo Yuanyuan who came with a majestic look. "The kidnappers will contact us again. This may be the last chance."

It was an adult who was tied up and asked for 30,000 yuan, not to mention whether he could raise money.How likely is it to release people after getting the money?

Zhuo Yuanyuan couldn't imagine that this kind of thing would make Ji Feixue so beautiful and kind.Now he is tied up.He didn't know how he would be treated.

Ji Feiyun walked in sullenly, and sat next to Nan Yongpeng, his eyes were red and swollen.

She is careless.My sister wouldn't have been tied up if they hadn't found an opportunity to commit suicide.

Nan Yongpeng touched her head. "This has nothing to do with you."

(End of this chapter)

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