Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 439 My sister is not sick!

Chapter 439 My sister is not sick!
Ji Feiyun went to the police station every day, but there was no progress in the case.However, Ji Shuxing's situation became more and more serious.

She shut herself in her room all day.The windows were tightly sealed, and she could not get any light.She also suffers from insomnia all night.Even a small movement can startle her.The spirit is getting more and more depressed.Talked to her for a long time, still no response, hair loss a lot.

Seeing her daughter like this, Gao Lanxiang wiped away her tears behind her back, turned around, coaxed her with a forced smile and said, "Ayu, the weather is really nice today. Why don't you go out for a walk?"

All the sharp and hurtful things in the house were hidden, and the family was gloomy.There was no laughter before.

Ji Feiyun went to see Gu. He could cure difficult and miscellaneous diseases, but he couldn't cure heart disease.

"Xiao Feiyun, an old friend of mine is in the Provincial Mental Hospital. He retired a few years ago. Now he is living in the county for the elderly. I suggest you go there."

"No, my sister is not mentally ill." Ji Feiyun's face turned pale all of a sudden, and he became excited all of a sudden. "She was just stimulated and couldn't slow down."

Seeing her nervous look, Gu explained: "I didn't say your sister is mentally ill. If she's right, she should be depressed. It's also a mental illness. Many people in rural areas are afraid of doctors. When they hear When it comes to mental illness, they feel that they are crazy. Not only their family members cannot accept it, even outsiders cannot avoid it. In fact, people can become crazy in a process. They need timely intervention by doctors. If they intervene in time, they can be cured."

Ji Feiyun was very confused, but he understood that his sister was ill and needed timely treatment, otherwise the condition would get worse.

It was right to listen to the old doctor, but Ji Shuxing was unwilling to go out, let alone the county.

"Grandpa Gu, my sister's situation is very special now. Can you call your friend?"

Gu likes this strange child.The relationship between the two is very good. "Okay, let me ask you a question."

Gu has a big face.The next day, he came.His 60 years old grandma is very kind.

In rural areas, there is no such disease as depression.Some of them are just psychos and lunatics.Ji Feiyun was afraid that the family would be burdened.He only said that he was a miracle doctor introduced by Gu Kailai, and he was also a retired expert in the provincial capital.

Ji Feiyun was afraid that the experts would make Ji Shuxing angry, so he quietly eavesdropped at the door.Unexpectedly, she just asked some simple and ordinary topics, such as shopping and chatting.

He is an expert.At first, Ji Shuxing didn't speak much.Later, he talked more and more.

The conversation lasted for more than two hours before the expert walked out of the room.

After leaving the door, her expression became more majestic, and Ji Feiyun's heart was pounding with fright.

The family sits together.They were so tense that they couldn't breathe. "Doctor, how is Feishuang?"

Experts drink tea to soothe their throats. "Feishuang's depression is very serious, and she has suicidal tendencies. Medication is only one aspect of it. Usually, she needs more enlightenment and care. You can't make her feel bad, and then use it to divert her attention."

After prescribing the medicine, she mentioned the details that need to be paid attention to when communicating with patients.

The family members did not dare to take it lightly, so they took the prescription to make medicine.

It's amazing.After taking the medicine, Ji Feishuang's condition has indeed improved, but he still doesn't like to talk.

The family members were afraid that she would be in a hurry, so they did not dare to appear in front of her in turn.After discussion, they asked Ji Feixue to chat with her more and talk about some happy things.

The two sisters are about the same age.In addition, Ji Feixue only spoke softly and had no offensive power.Slowly, she can really speak.

"Sister, it's stuffy in the room. Can I open the window for some air?"

Ji Feixue didn't dare to drive too much.He only opened half the curtains.The windows were ajar, letting in fresh air.

Seeing that she didn't overreact, Ji Feixue sat on her shoulder and took the initiative to hold her hand. "Sister, I dreamed of the ramie leaves you made yesterday. When I was young, you took me to the edge of the field to pick fresh ramie leaves, and when I went home, I picked the stems and washed them, boiled them in a pot, mashed them, and steamed them with glutinous rice flour. In my mouth it is green, sweet and glutinous. Steam a big pot and we can have several meals."

(End of this chapter)

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