Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 441 What happened that night?

Chapter 441 What happened that night?

Ji Feiyun rolled his eyes and had an idea.

After dinner, she didn't even take a nap.She blocked Zhuo Yuanyuan in the kitchen, raised a bright smile, "Brother Zhuo."

Zhuo Yuanyuan was not afraid of anything, except Ji Feiyun's bright smile.Every time she smiles at Nam Yongpeng, she always asks for help from others, and this incident is not small.Sometimes she even forces people to face difficulties.

"Brother Zhuo, what happened that night?" Ji Feiyun asked stubbornly, "How did my class come back like this?"

Zhuo Yuanyuan's answer did not change. "I don't know. When I went in, I found her tied to a post. It seems that the kidnappers said something to scare her."

No one in the family dared to mention this matter, but Ji Feiyun was not stupid.This must be worse than Ma Jianshe getting her drunk and handing her over to Lan Li to pay off the debt.

However, Zhuo Yuanyuan's attitude made her admire him a lot.He was protecting Ji Shuxing without even telling the police the truth.

"Brother Wu." Ji Feiyun's eyes were red, and he looked up helplessly and aggrieved. "My sister is in a bad situation. I'm sure you know that. If you keep doing this, it will all be over."

Na Zhuo Yuanyuan didn't ask, but as long as he pays attention, he knows that Ji Feishuang is not in good condition.

"My sister won't reject you." Ji Feiyun stretched out his hand to wipe away his tears, sobbing, "Brother Zhuo, can you help us?"

Zhuo Yuanyuan was stunned. "I... I'm not a doctor." As an outsider, what else could he do but observe and blame himself?

"My sister believes in you from the bottom of her heart and thinks that you won't hurt her, so she won't reject you." Crystal tears kept falling."Could you spare a moment to spend this time with her?" she asked, sobbing.

Cho remote is stupid.

"Just like the third sister, talk to her and do something to make her not think about it."

That's easy to say.His mouth is not ordinary stupid.He can't make girls happy.I really don't know how to help.

what is this.As long as he nodded in agreement, Ji Feiyun would arrange the rest.

That Zhuo Yuanyuan is not Nan Yongpeng, and he will not be put down by her crocodile tears.However, she was not happy seeing Ji Feishuang being tortured all this time.

After hesitating for a long time, he agreed.

Ji Feiyun immediately arranged for him to take Ji Feishuang to the cement factory at noon the next day to deliver work meals.

The cement factory was full of people.Ji Feixue had a heart-to-heart conflict.However, when the employees of the fast food restaurant temporarily asked for leave, Zhuo Yuanyuan came to her for help.She doesn't know how to say no.

She sat quietly on the tricycle, clasped her hands tightly, and let Zhuo Yuanyuan pull her away.

The horrified look seems to have been dragged to a shooting range.

Along the way, she did not speak.

Zhuo Yuanyuan couldn't bear it anymore.He wanted to send her back several times, but he hoped that she would get out of the haze as soon as possible.His heart was too hard, and he withdrew.

I remember that in the summer, I often went to deliver meals with her partner.When she sat in the car, she didn't forget to give him an umbrella.They also said they were laughing.

When she arrived at the construction site, Zhuo Yuanyuan smiled and said to her, "Wait for me here."

Worried that the workers would frighten her, he parked his tricycle far away, took down the buckets of food, and walked to the construction site.

From a distance, Zhuo Yuanyuan was very busy, and he saw a large group of workers coming.Ji Feishuang kept holding her hand, but in the end she still couldn't overcome her fear.

(End of this chapter)

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