Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 451 Is their relationship impure?

Chapter 451 Is their relationship impure?

Xu Qingqing hated Tian Weidong for his cowardice and incompetence.They either quarrel or fight.Their lives fly by like chickens.

Tian Weidong blamed all this on Ji Feiyun.If she died outside and did not come back, he and Xu Qingqing would not have come to this point.

Of course, the prosperity of the Ji family today also filled him with hatred.He always felt that these things should belong to him.He just missed the good time and let Nan Yongpeng take the trap.

"Feiyun." Ji Zhengtang waved his hand in the distance: "Come to me."

To be honest, this time Ji Feiyun was really afraid of Tian Weidong.He died without saying anything.He was covered in red spots and his face was covered with hands and feet.

Such a serious skin disease looks creepy.I just want to hide away.How dare I face it.

"Wow... ghost..." Ji Feiyun screamed in fright, and ran behind Ji Zhengtang. "Fifth Grandpa, I'm very scared."

Tian Weidong, "..." You little bastard!

Ji Zhengtang took Ji Feiyun's hand and walked into the yard. "There are fresh fried tofu at home. You can take it home and eat it."

"Fifth Grandpa, what happened to him?"

It is difficult for the villagers to say, "stay away from him in the future".

Ji Zhengtang is not a fortune teller, and the barefoot doctor's eyesight is worse than that of ordinary people.He didn't know what disease Tian Weidong had, but it must have something to do with selling blood.

Blood is the source of life.Selling blood is like pumping water.This will happen sooner or later.

There are many young people like this in the village.If they do something bad, they have to get something for free.He reminded them kindly many times, but he didn't listen, he didn't think he was kind.

Under the leadership of this atmosphere, even the two brothers Wei Kuan and Wei Min are eager to try.He was so angry that he picked up the broom and swung it: "Whoever dares to make so much money should get out of this house immediately."

Jing Junling saw her son getting thinner and thinner after getting married.Especially recently, the rash has been increasing.She thought that Xu Qingqing had hurt her son's body.She took Tian Weidong to Wu Wu for medicine.

On Friday, I don't know what's wrong with him, but I know that black and white is coming to him.

The so-called king of hell is easy to embarrass children.With the virtues of the Tian family, he was cured.If he can't be cured, he won't let go.

I can't help but leave.On Friday, my host wisely suggested that I register at the health office.However, Jing Junling didn't take it seriously.She felt that her son had been sucked too much blood by the vixen Xu Qingqing.

Going to sanitation costs a lot.Tian Weidong found another barefoot doctor who said he had a skin disease.He gave him a local prescription and told him to go home and get used to it.

Ji Feiyun thought Tian Weidong's lifeless eyes gave goosebumps all over his body.

After the visit, Ji Feiyun and Laifu ate fried tofu together and continued to take out the binoculars.

Jing Junling has already left.Tian Jingwen basks in the sun in the yard.Xu Qingqing came out with her clothes and squatted in the yard to wash them.

Ji Feiyun stared at Xu Qingqing for a long time.He found that Tian Jingwen's eyes fell on Xu Qingqing.He hasn't moved away for a long time.

Staring at her ass, to be exact.

She washed the clothes in the basin with her hands, and her figure was very warped.

Ji Feiyun, "..." Is their relationship impure?
In winter, Xu Qingqing struggled to squeeze the water.Tian Jingwen came to help, and then hung the clothes on the bamboo poles.

After pouring out the water in the basin, Xu Qingqing went inside to wipe her hands.

Tian Jingwen followed Xu Qingqing into the house and closed the door.

Ji Feiyun waited and waited.

More than half an hour later, the door of the room was opened.Tian Jingwen came out of the room, tied up his trouser belt, and was in a good mood.

He went back to his room, took out a snakeskin bag and went out.He seems to be going up the hill.

"Dad, where are you going?" Xu Qingqing asked.

(End of this chapter)

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