Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 453 Xu Qingqing is really unusual.

Chapter 453 Xu Qingqing is really unusual.

Tian Shuchang frowned. "I think you old ladies are just in a hurry. When you are together, you like to say that people don't like Taoist priests. You have no salt in your mouth. Come on. You don't have to do anything at home."

After being scolded by the village chief, the women scattered away.

Ji Feiyun didn't care much about these gossips, but Xu Qingqing was really unusual.

Tian Weidong was seriously ill, and it was impossible to spend any more money for her.Where did she get the money to buy face creams and new clothes?
I own a shopping mall.Just by looking at the style of the clothes, you can tell that it is not cheap.

Jing Junling stared at her.Xu Qingqing couldn't fool around with Tian Weidong behind her back.Moreover, Tian Jingwen is back.All three of her family members stared at her.

Xu Qingqing has no ability to separate herself, but she has money

Ji Feiyun couldn't help but think of what he saw yesterday.His father-in-law and daughter-in-law have nothing to talk about.They talked for half an hour before the door closed.

When going out, Tian Jingwen lifted up his pants twice.

Isn't it, isn't it?Ji Feiyun's eyes lit up.

Seeing Xu Qingqing coming home, she hurriedly turned around and nestled on the grass by the mountain, watching intently.

Jing Junling went to the market.Tian Weidong went to the barefoot doctor to get medicine.Tian Jingwen and Xu Qingqing were left at home.

Tian Jingwen waited patiently for a while, then walked into Xu Qingqing's room, and closed the doors and windows.

Ji Feiyun was so nervous that he couldn't breathe.

Half an hour later, Tian Jingwen came out and went into the kitchen to cook.Xu Qingqing also came out.

Ji Feiyun noticed that Xu Qingqing had changed her pants.

She sat on the grass for a while, holding her chin, then jumped up and ran all the way home.

"Where have you been?" Nan Yongpeng had sharp eyes.

"I play with them."

Nan Yongpeng said hehe.She worried that she didn't know that the big boss had just come to visit her.

Look at Laifu again.He also carried seeds with him.Those two things are definitely useless.

While drinking water, Ji Feiyun pulled Biden's seeds out of his clothes. "Nan Yongpeng, shall we go up the mountain this afternoon?"

"What are you doing in the mountains?"

"Find something good for Uncle Pingan." Ji Feiyun opened his mouth and said, "Ever since he discovered Polygonum multiflorum, he has been looking for rare ones. We are busy anyway. Why don't we go find them?"

"I saw him yesterday. Why didn't I say anything?"

"We're in this together. He's not a long story guy. He told me and you again."

Once Ji Feiyun changed his normal routine and went home, he must have been holding back.In addition, Lu Yuan was still addicted to it, "Yeah."

After lunch, I don't even want to take a nap.I carried a small basket on my back and wanted to go into the mountains. "Father, Nan Yongpeng took me to the mountain."

With Nan Yongpeng around, Ji Shuxing wasn't too worried. "Okay, come back soon."

After entering the mountain, Ji Feiyun smiled: "Nan Yongpeng, shall we go to the graveyard?" There are many graves in the cemetery.If Tian Jingwen really wants to dig mushrooms, there are even greater opportunities.

"Why go there?" Nan Yongpeng refused, "New Year is coming. It's unlucky."

"What is the unlucky thing? We start from the roots of Polygonum multiflorum." Ji Feiyun looked down on him and said, "This is someone else's disaster, but our blessing. I don't know if we can find the child this time."

Whether he agrees or not, he lifts his feet and walks towards the cemetery.

Nan Yongpeng frowned and followed slowly.

He spends a lot of time on Cemetery Hill.Ji Feiyun looked around, circled around the foot of the mountain and went up again.

Nan Yongpeng was speechless.Seeing her wandering around the city walls and finding an embroidery needle is pretty much the same herb she was looking for.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, Ji Feiyun panted heavily.

It doesn't make sense.She searched every mound, not to mention the footprints.Not even a bird feather.

Where is the grave?
(End of this chapter)

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