Chapter 456 Go to hell!

Jing Junling kept kicking the door like a madman, "Go to hell!"

The family is poor and the door is dilapidated.Jing Junling quickly kicked it away.The scene inside made her heart ache.

"Ah..." she shouted angrily, and threw a pole at them.

Wow! !Ji Feiyun looked at the corner of his mouth and smiled.Unexpectedly, she was tapped twice on the shoulder.

She turned around in horror.Nan Yongpeng didn't know when to stand behind her. "What are you looking at?"

"'s nothing." Ji Feiyun hid the telescope.

Nan Yongpeng knelt down and reached for the telescope, but she didn't give it. "The Tian family is fighting. There's nothing to see."

I can't steal his money.Nan Yongpeng grabbed him.

"I bought it, don't grab it."

Nan Yongpeng pressed his head and looked through the telescope.

Xu Qingqing ran out of the room with messy hair.Jing Junling drove her out and grabbed her by the hair.

The two fell to the ground, Jing Junling waved her hand and slapped her across the face, "Shameless bitch, steal food and sneak home..."

The terrified Tian Jingwen followed him out of the house, dragged the crazy Jing Junling, and slapped him, "Shout, shout, let the whole village come and see?"

"Ah... ah... ah..." Jing Junling and Tian Jingwen started fighting.

She is Tian Jingwen's opponent.She was slapped twice and dragged into the room.Tian Jingwen fastened the door.

Jing Junling rushed over and pulled his hair. "Surname Zhou, how much should I pay you?" I will take care of the family for you and raise my son.Why are you doing this to me? "

Tian Jingwen kicked the man so hard that he couldn't stand up: "I know it's not easy for you, but you say it every day. Have you finished? If you can't continue, you can go. I didn't let you stay .You're raising Weidong, but look what you've made of him. You're a soft-hearted advisor. You're making money every day. You got him engaged to that idiot from the Ji family. Now he's not stupid, just Kick him up, let the whole village see our joke..."

"Tian Jingwen, are you fucking human?" At this moment, Jing Junling was still arguing and wanted to change the subject.She said hysterically: "You are a beast. You can even do it outdoors. Weidong is your own son. How can you be worthy of him? How can you..."

She fell to the ground, slapping the floor with her hands.

Tian Jingwen was ashamed. "I...but I made a mistake that men all over the world make. I drank too much and went to the wrong room. There will be no next time."

"You are an animal, worse than pigs and dogs."

"If you want to scold, don't scold here. Shout in the village." Tian Jingwen was angry when she saw that she refused to eat. "Why don't you call Weidong back and let him see for himself. Don't go through this house. It's loose!"

Jing Junling's teeth were broken, and she was sitting on the ground pulling her hair.Weidong, Weidong, why is that!
Ji Feiyun regrets that Tian's house is not well built and has no neighbors.Moreover, Jing Junling also has the habit of abusing Xu Qingqing.People working nearby heard the news but didn't think deeply about it.

She did her best to get the binoculars.Xu Qingqing got up from the ground, tied up her clothes, and went back to her room.

Then, Jing Junling rushed into Xu Qingqing's room disheveled.

Xu Qingqing heard what Tian Jingwen said in the room.She saw Jing Junling rushing towards her like a wild dog and beating her.This time, instead of hiding, she fought back.

The two pulled each other's hair and hit each other from the floor on the bed.In a hurry, Xu Qingqing picked up a cup and broke it.

Jing Junling's forehead was bleeding.In addition, she was beaten by Tian Jingwen before.Even though she is usually fierce, she is not Xu Qingqing's opponent this time.

(End of this chapter)

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