Chapter 458 Only One Chance!
Ji Feiyun followed him firmly and went up the mountain cautiously.

Nan Yongpeng was very careful when walking.He tried not to leave any traces.He did not forget to take her where it was difficult to walk.

He goes all the way.He stopped for about two hours at a place with a wide view halfway up the mountain.

She looked around, rummaging through the bushes, removing waist-high weeds.Suddenly, a narrow hole appeared with dirt piled beside it.

The soil is very fresh.It should be newly dug.

Looking in through the light, the hole was not dug deep, and there was a layer of gravel inside.

After Nan Yongpeng buried the hole, he looked around for another hole.The situation is similar.It's still a gravel layer and needs a lot of work.It cannot be dug out with a shovel alone.

Ji Feiyun sat down, closed his eyes and touched it.The mountains extend from north to south.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.The sun can be seen all day.The wind by the river is blowing slowly not far away.It really is a vibrant place.

There must be a big grave under your ass.

Going up again, there is no sign of anyone passing by.Nan Yongpeng gave up decisively and took Ji Feiyun back.

As I descended to stand in the distance, there was a slight rise in the spot I had just pulled over.This is indeed a tomb.

Ji Feiyun was extremely pleasantly surprised.Nan Yongpeng is really a baby.He can not only defuse bombs with his bare hands, but also repair acupuncture points.There are not many such partners!
On the way home, Nan Yongpeng reminded her: "This tomb cannot be opened. It must be blown up."

Ji Feiyun's eyes were bright.Broken stone layers are less likely to explode.The quantity of explosives must be sufficient.

This place is not too far from the village.In addition, the terrain is open, and bombing is likely to cause noise.

Therefore, Tian Jingwen will definitely choose a good time.

Today is 28 years old.When would he choose to start?
Only one chance.She can't bet wrong.

"New Year's Eve!" He thought for a while before blurting out.

Others don't know, but they bought firecrackers.The fourth brother was very saving face and bought two boxes of fireworks from the provincial capital.They not only hit the New Year's Eve dinner and the first day of the new year, but also hit them at 12 o'clock, the so-called open firecrackers, to welcome the new year.

Tian Jingwen couldn't control when the Ji family set off firecrackers.

If he finds a suitable place today, he will buy firecrackers by himself.Only in this way can he accurately control the time.

Ji Feiyun clenched his fists.It depends on where he went!
It's early winter and it's getting late at night.

Ji Feiyun was very curious about the news about the Tian family.After eating, he wiped his mouth and went to see him: "Father, I'm going to Uncle Shuchang's house."

"Wait, I'll go with you."

Tian Shuchang's family just finished eating.They sat and ate melon seeds and chatted together.These melon seeds were bought at Pengfei Market.

Ji Feiyun sat on chairs around the table like a family, "Uncle, what are you talking about?"

"Speaking of Tian Weidong, there seems to be another fight during the day." They are all outrageous.The older generation is different from the younger generation.Is it true that a family cannot enter a family?
Ji Feiyun was taken aback. "Did you fight again?"

Tian Shuchang laughed it off.

Jing Junling has shallow eyelids and can't stand others.She doesn't know how to hide the shame of her family.No matter how bad her reputation is, Xu Qingqing will marry her.She yells and kills every day, and clings to the absurd things of the past.If she can't slap her, she doesn't think her son will be any better?

Tian Jingwen, who spent five years in prison without food and was buried in the soil, was still a charlatan when he came out.Big men live at home and rely on women every day.

Tian Shuchang didn't like to talk about right and wrong, so he just said a few words.

(End of this chapter)

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