Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 483 She doesn't want to die!

Chapter 483 She doesn't want to die!

Jing Junling's eyes finally had light, the light of resentment!
She doesn't like the Ji family, but Tian Jingwen and Xu Qingqing are the ones she hates the most.They are the culprits who killed Weidong!

Xu Qingqing rolled on the ground in pain, and soon foamed at the mouth.

She doesn't want to die.She is only 20 years old.Those were the good times of her youth.She is young and beautiful.There will be many good days ahead.

Tian Jingwen just said that he would take her to the provincial capital to find another way out.As long as she can leave this place, she doesn't mind that Tian Jingwen is Tian Weidong's father, let alone that he sleeps by himself.

The provincial capital is a great place.She could find a better man if she wanted to.If you die here, you have no chance.

The body seemed to be on fire, and the pain was like countless knives twisted together.It was Tian Weidong who tricked her into getting married by putting this flower on the cow dung pile of Tian's house.

Tian Weidong sold blood for her.He just wants to make life more comfortable.If he is capable, he can make her live with her hands like other women.

His death has nothing to do with himself.Why should he blame her?

Xu Qingqing couldn't breathe.She stood up and walked out, ""

Jing Junling dragged her back by her hair, expressionless.

Tian Jingwen grabbed the bench and wanted to hit Jing Junling, but he ate a lot of food, and the toxicity occurred faster.His mouth was full of white foam, and his tall body fell to the ground.

His eyes were fixed on Jing Junling, his body writhed weakly
Jing Junling calmly looked at the dog and man in front of her until her pupils dilated and remained motionless.

What has she done wrong in her life?I ended up having my family ruined because I fell in love with someone I wasn't supposed to love.

Jing Junling pulled the bench and sat down, picked up the bowl and chopsticks, and ate quietly. "Tomorrow, Mom will accompany you."


The police station was brightly lit.

Tian Jingwen, who fled, went home in the dark after receiving the report.

The institute immediately organized police forces to enter the village overnight.

Of course Tian Jingwen must be arrested, but Tian Weidong is ill, and his daughter-in-law Xu Qingqing is likely to be infected.Although Jing Junling was persuaded, she still advised her daughter-in-law to go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible.I don't know how serious this disease is in the countryside.It is necessary to go there.

Taking advantage of the darkness, he walked into the village and quietly opened the door of Tian's house.Unexpectedly, the situation in the house shocked everyone present.

The whole family was shaking, with black faces and white foam at the corners of their mouths.Needless to say, they all knew it was poisoning.

Suicide or intentional poisoning?

"Here's a live one."

"Go to the hospital!"


When the food factory opened on the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, Tian Weikuan was not a talkative person.However, when it started construction, he still said: "Nan Yongpeng, Feiyun, Tian Jingwen are all dead."

Ji Feiyun thought he had heard wrong.Didn't Tian Jingwen run away?

Yesterday's incident caused a sensation in the whole village. The police station was a step late, but Jing Junling did not save her.

As soon as she finished speaking, she confessed to her face about the poisoning.

At that time, Tian Shuchang and several villagers who came to hear the news were also there.Unexpectedly, Tian Jingwen not only took his son to rob the tomb, but also secretly had a relationship with his daughter-in-law.He even left Jing Junling to elope with Xu Qingqing?
that's right.This is elopement.Father-in-law and daughter-in-law!

Zhou Qi's head was as big as a war.The upper beam is really wrong, and the lower beam is crooked.The father and son not only violated the law and committed crimes, but also disrupted the relationship between men and women.

The whole family is not energy-saving lamps.The reputation of the village has been ruined.How will we meet people in the future?

Tian Shuchang was so angry that he didn't sleep all night.He was called to the village committee for training early on, and then made records at the police station.He is full of anger.

After I come back, I have to deal with the affairs of the Tian family.Xu's parents are also ruthless.They were reluctant to take their daughter's body after her death.They threatened to sever their family relationship with Xu Qingqing a long time ago.Anything she does has nothing to do with the Xu family.

She did dishonorable things again and again.She died, but the Xu family had to continue to be a man.Offspring will marry.

The scandal in the Tian family was so widespread, Tian Shuchang knew that someone in the village had already discovered that Tian Jingwen and Xu Qingqing had an improper relationship.It was only because Tian Jingwen was a cruel person and didn't dare to provoke him that he kept it from him.

The woman usually has a very good relationship with Jing Junling.She happened to work not far from Tian's house.She was thirsty and came to the door asking for a drink.Seeing that the gate was not closed, she went in by herself.Just about to say hello to her, she heard a voice from Xu Qingqing's room.

Married women don't understand anything.There is no shame in young people doing this during the day.She went back to work, but then she saw Tian Weidong coming back from outside.

If someone else did it, the virus would spread.But Tian Jingwen is a lunatic outside the law.Ordinary people really dare not mess with him.

So Tian Jingwen and Xu Qingqing were killed by that thing.Where can a woman find restraint?If only she didn't add fuel and vinegar.

(End of this chapter)

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