Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 485 I'm really annoying!

Chapter 485 I'm really annoying!
Ji Feishuang was blindfolded all the way.He didn't see the kidnapper's face at all.Zhuo Yuanyuan fought with the prisoner, but the light was very dark at the time.He couldn't see what the kidnapper looked like.

Furthermore, even if he had spoken, his voice alone would not incriminate him.Finally, he had to confess.

Walking out of the ward, Ji Feiyun was very angry. "Uncle Wang, what should I do if he doesn't recruit people all the time?"

"Don't worry, let's try again." Old Xu had to stay and continue to deal with Cao Laogou.

The three of them were about to leave when Cao Laogou's daughter-in-law and son hurried over: "Old Cao, how are you, Lao Cao?"

Before anyone came in, they heard the sound of wailing.

Ji Feiyun is so annoying!

On the drive home, she peeled her nails blankly.

When he got home, Ji Feiyun waved to Laifu and looked him up from head to toe.all is well.How can there be madness?
Lying on the bed, thinking and thinking, Cao Laogou will die at any time.She couldn't wait to die.

Lu Yuan is not there.She opened the drawer and turned to the bottom.She secretly pulled out something from it and stuffed it into her schoolbag.Then she called Ji Feilong's child out.

In the evening, Lao Xu came back with a helpless expression.

He spends his whole day doing ideological work for Cao Laogou and his family.Unexpectedly, no oil and salt were brought in, and the daughter-in-law was still fierce.She rioted in the hospital, berating the police for extracting confessions, even from the dying.

To do this line of work requires wits and courage.It is not easy for a prisoner to confess.We have to find another way.

After two steps, Old Xu stopped again. "Feiyun, take care of your dog."

"Laifu is not sick." The most worried person came.Ji Feiyun stood up excitedly. "Uncle Wang, he is very human. He never bites. He just wanted to protect my sister that day."

When they heard that the dogs were going to be cleaned up, not only Ji Feiyun, but even the Ji family objected unanimously.

"I understand how you feel, but if the dog is sick, it should be dealt with. What if one day it bites again?"

"Why does Uncle Wang believe that Lai Fu is ill?" Ji Feiyun responded quickly. "I don't know if Cao has ever been bitten by another dog. He was not vaccinated in time."

"In short, human life is more important than dog."

Hearing that the slandered Wang Cai ran out, his hair stood up, and he grinned at Old Xu.You are sick.Your whole family is sick!

Ji Feiyun, "..." Get out of the way.Making trouble is not enough!
Old Xu was startled, and quickly stepped back. "You still say you are not sick?" How many customers come and go in the restaurant every day, and how many people come and go on the commercial street.I know you've had feelings for a long time, but life is too big.You should consider the safety of others. "

"My family member Laifu is not sick." How could Gao Lanxiang agree, "Officer Xu, you also said that there are so many people on this street. When did Laifu bite? It only comes out when the owner is in danger Protect it. Lai Fu is more like a human being than those animals who wear human skin and do bad things."

In short, don't even think about it!
Old Xu is an old policeman.He was very patient and worked tirelessly to persuade the stubborn Ji family.

The more he did this, the more hostile Lai Fu became toward him.The eyes of the two dogs glowed green.Old Xu felt that the dog was sick.

Who can beat the Police Department?Nan Yongpeng said slowly: "If Laifu is sick, go to the veterinarian."

There is nothing wrong with the Ji family, and Lao Xu thinks this is reasonable.

So Ji Feiyun squatted down to appease Laifu, and went to the animal husbandry station with Laifu.

Dogs understand human nature.Wang Cai realized that something was wrong on the road.It whined in its mouth, fearing that it would never come back.

Ji Feiyun glared at it.Where was the electricity just now?I pray for your blessing!
Laifu felt that he was at least a dog who had seen the world.He is not a police officer.Scary is the way he will find himself later.

When he arrived at the pasture station, Laifu was very afraid of the smell of the animal doctor, but he knew that the person in front of him could decide his own life and death, so he vowed to get rid of the animal doctor like a little master!
Take a deep breath and overcome your inner fear.He grinned and wagged his tail.Even the plane's ears came out.

The doctor at the animal husbandry station gave him a comprehensive examination and played a few games.He laughs: "The dog is intelligent and human, has a genuine temper and obeys commands. He doesn't look like a madman."

The animal husbandry station has dog vaccines.In order to ensure the safety and innocence of Laifu, Ji Feiyun asked the animal doctor to beat up all the dogs that could be beaten.

Laifu cried out in pain, tears of grievance fell down.However, it endured bravely and did not forget to wag its tail for its master.

Wang Wei was relieved that Wang Cai was not sick.However, Laifu secretly stabbed him.

By the time I got home for dinner, it was completely dark.

"Mom, I'm going to take my sister for a walk by the river."

He yelled at home.Ji Feilong hugged Ji Feiyun and walked in the opposite direction.He secretly got on his bicycle and set off.

(End of this chapter)

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