Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 49 Can't eat and walk around!

Chapter 49 Can't eat and walk around!
Ji Shuxing was happy, but Gao Lanxiang was not.As soon as Nan Yongpeng left, his face sank. "Jing Junling is already too outrageous. Her son is very unruly, and has something to do with that bastard Xu Qingqing. On the contrary, she went around gossiping about Yongpeng and Feiyun, saying that they often get tired of being together . Anyway, it sounds ugly."

"You can't control what others say with your mouth on others." Ji Shuxing was very happy. "Anyway, our Feiyun is not stupid. There is no need to hang on the vine. It is unlucky to be in-laws with such a person. Feiyun cannot bear this pain, otherwise we will return the marriage."

Gao Lanxiang also thought: "Our Feiyun is a blessing." Marrying anyone is a blessing for eight lifetimes.The one with the surname Tian is not a good thing.I'm retiring tomorrow.No, I'm going now.It's disgusting to be in-laws with someone like that for another day. "

"Mom, I won't call off the engagement." Ji Feiyun held her back.

Gao Lanxiang is stupid. "Feiyun, Tian Weidong is a scumbag. Are you going to keep it for the New Year?"

"It's too cheap for him to leave his family like this. Jing Junling's mouth is too stinky. She will definitely organize our family." Ji Feiyun already had an idea, "I'll make him unable to eat and walk around."

What else can Gao Lanxiang say? Her daughter can make up her own mind better than herself.

In addition, the Tian family's mother and son turned black and white, just forcing the Ji family to take the initiative to withdraw the marriage contract. By the way, they can also sow discord.It's really cheap and good.

That's right, even if you withdraw from the marriage, the Tian family will have nothing to eat!
I was really tired the day before yesterday.When Nan Yongpeng stepped on the morning light and opened the courtyard door, Ji Feiyun was still sleeping on the bed.

Nan Yongpeng woke him up.Carry her on the road.

The poor man's child was taken care of early, Gao Lanxiang was so sad that he burst into tears.

Ji Shuxing also scolded himself distressedly: "It's my fault that my legs are uncomfortable. Whether at home or outside, I have to let you take care of me. Otherwise, Feiyun won't suffer."

Ji Feiyun woke up halfway, but the morning dew was heavy, and Nan Yongpeng's body was very warm.She hugged his neck and continued to sleep.

It was almost daylight when they reached the store.Ji Feiyun jumped off Nan Yongpeng, and the two cooperated skillfully.

Last week, I bought a charcoal stove.Nan Yongpeng was on fire.Ji Feiyun went to the backyard to make powder.

When the first pot of noodles came out, it was just after the school's morning class.

Ji Brothers and Sisters has recently become famous for selling fried noodles.They started advertising as soon as they returned to school on Sunday night.

No stalls are allowed in front of the school, and there are a few retail vendors across the street.Ji Feiyun's sharp eyes saw the eldest brother and five or six younger brothers collecting protection money one by one.There are a large number of people on the other side, and retail vendors can't give so much.

Bringing so many people is obviously for the shop.

In the first two failures, the lead brother was much more cautious.He didn't choose to start the next morning's class.Instead, he waited not far away, glancing at him now and then.

Nan Yongpeng fried rice noodles at the entrance of the store.It was easy to notice them, but he said nothing.He looks as relaxed as ever.

It can be sold after frying.Many students swallowed when they smelled the tempting aroma.

Many parents came to pick up their children and go home for breakfast.They saw a place to sit in the store.The children running around made them very distressed.They just come in and sit down and eat.After eating, they went straight back to school.

(End of this chapter)

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