Chapter 495 Just laugh it off.

Gao Lanxiang was very worried.If Ji Shuxing didn't stop her, she would have to argue with this evil thing today.

Zhuo Yuanyuan is such an excellent young man.Who wouldn't want him to be his son-in-law?If Ji Feishuang hadn't suffered too much damage, she would have asked.

After sending them away, Zhuo Yuanyuan continued to work as if nothing had happened.

Gao Lanxiang panicked, "Long distance, marriage is a lifetime thing. You can't just make do with it."

On the other side is a rural widow who has never read a book.Every day she faces the loess and her back faces the sky.Gao Lanxiang didn't need to think that she must be old.This is not marrying a daughter-in-law.was married to an old woman.

Zhuo Yuanyuan graduated from junior high school.His spirit is upright.The scars on his face looked hideous and sinister.He is kind-hearted and knows how to warm and cold.Being a good person wastes time.

Zhuo Yuanyuan laughed it off.

He is not as good as the Ji family thought.In recent years, dating has become insane.The women were either intimidated by his appearance or worried that their mother would be a drag on the family.While some girls are interested in him, they demand that all income be controlled by the women.

In other words, stop the mother's medication.

The cruelty of reality cannot be explained in a few words.After a long delay, Zhuo Yuanyuan had no idea of ​​getting married.However, his mother nags every day.If he doesn't go on a blind date, she threatens to stop the medicine.

He wanted to say no to what Aunt Zeng said just now, but he thought his mother agreed.Anyway, let's meet first.

On Feiyun's birthday, Gao Lanxiang said in the morning that Zhuo Yuanyuan would stay for dinner.Even if she wanted to stay before dinner, Zhuo Yuanyuan would leave work half an hour earlier.

"Oh, what a young man! His fate is really unfair." Taking a deep breath, Gao Lanxiang served Ji Feiyun a dish, "Come on, eat more."

He is uncomfortable.He said two more words on the table, all about Zhuo Yuanyuan.

Ji Feiyun saw that Ji Feishuang didn't move his chopsticks. "Sister, why don't you eat?"

Ji Feishuang came back to his senses and hurried to cook.

Seeing that she only ate rice, Ji Feiyun put braised pork on her sandwich. "Sister, you seem to have lost weight."

These days, the youngest birthday stars are the biggest.Nan Yongpeng did not arrange psychological counseling.She ran to the mall to play.

Not many people at night.Ji Feiyun followed Ji Feishuang to help check the goods.

"Sister, these are red melon seeds, not sunflower seeds."

Ji Feishuang crossed it out and wrote it again.

Moving forward, Ji Feiyun frowned. "Sister, there are 11 yuan left in the soap. You can write 7 yuan."

No, Ji Feishuang used to be very meticulous in her work.Why are you absent-minded today?
Ji Feiyun asked with concern: "Sister, are you not feeling well?" Why don't you take a break and let others take a break too? "

Ji Feishuang didn't know what happened.She felt unable to concentrate, so she went back to the cashier.

When the situation is bad, you can count twice as much as the guests.It's odd that you weren't scolded.

"Sister, let me calculate." Ji Feiyun hastily interrupted her plan and continued to calculate.He joked: "Nan Yongpeng taught me multiplication and division yesterday. I'm going to try it."

She quickly counted what the guests had taken. "Master, it's two yuan and 86 cents. Thank you."

After seeing off the guests, I turned around and found Ji Feishuang sitting in a daze.

Ji Feiyun nodded, and an ominous feeling came to his heart.

The next day I got up early and brought breakfast to my eldest brother's room.

Ji Feishuang's eyes were bloodshot.He doesn't seem to be sleeping well.Looking out of the window, the pot of carefully raised chrysanthemums bought from the flower and bird market disappeared, and the vase for arranging flowers also disappeared.

After going downstairs and walking around, the pot of chrysanthemums and the vase were thrown into the trash can.

This is the end, Ji Feishuang.Depression relapses!

What went wrong?

Ji Feishuang has stopped taking the medicine for a while.He didn't have any problems before.Why did something suddenly go wrong at the dinner table?

Ji Feiyun racked his brains to find out the reason, but suddenly his eyes tightened.

The eldest brother was very happy when he came back for dinner yesterday.Only the mother mentioned Zhuo Yuanyuan's blind date.

He's... isn't he?

(End of this chapter)

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