Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 501 He wants to give me a guarantee.

Chapter 501 He wanted to give me a guarantee.

Hearing her daughter's evaluation of Zhuo Yuanyuan, Gao Lanxiang finally fell to the ground, "You have been here for so long. He married you after building a house. What does that mean?"

"Mom, he's worried that I won't be able to adjust to my marriage. He wants to give me a guarantee."

Na Zhuo Yuanyuan had already paid the end of his life for Ji Feishuang.Excluding his mother's medical expenses and medical expenses, he still has more than 500 yuan in his hand.

His family's house was badly damaged.He has to walk a long way to go to the bathroom.Ji's life is good.He was worried that Ji Feishuang would not be able to adapt.He wants to build a two-story concrete building and then marry her.

Gao Lanxiang and his wife, a contractor and a building materials salesman, know the market like the back of their hands.

Two years ago, a two-story cement building could be built for 500 yuan.But now the price of man-made building materials has risen sharply.No matter how careful you are, it will cost more than 700 yuan.

Although the difference is only 200 yuan, Zhuo's mother's illness is burning money.Is it not easy to save this money?
Taking a step back, even if he solved the money problem, Gao Lanxiang would not dare to marry his daughter easily after Ma Jianshe cheated.

Marrying a man is not just marrying a man, but also marrying his whole family.Even if Zhuo Yuanyuan's character can stand the test, what about his mother and sister?Feishuang can't stand his best sister.

Ah Yu was frustrated when he encountered difficulties.It is not easy for her to talk to others when she is wronged.Gao Lanxiang was afraid that she would suffer and get sick again, so she had to marry her daughter off under her nose.

Zhuo Yuanyuan is the only son, so it is impossible to intervene.

The Ji family attached great importance to this matter and closed the door after dinner.

This is not a problem for Ji Feiyun. "Sister, I will give you a house and write your name on the title certificate." A house is a woman's confidant.I believe that the Zhuo family will not look down on Ji Feishuang.

Ji Feishuang shook his head. "Sister, this house is too expensive. I can't bear it."

"Sister, you are the person in charge of the mall. You should continue to rely on yourself in the future. You should be given a house."

Ji Feishuang insisted, "Feiyun, I can't have it."

"Are you worried that brother Zhuo is unhappy?" Ji Feiyun thought, "Are you afraid of hurting your self-esteem?"

Ji Feishuang didn't say anything, but he acquiesced.Zhuo Yuanyuan is good at everything, except that he has a strong self-esteem.

"Feishuang, you are so confused." Before Ji Feiyun had time to speak, Gao Lanxiang couldn't help but said: "You are not married yet, so you have to think about whether it will hurt his self-esteem. Why don't you think about how you will stand in his family in the future?" What about a firm foothold? A man should have the responsibilities and thoughts of a man. If a woman takes the house and feels embarrassed, he will ignore your feelings. Such a man is not worth marrying."

Ji Feiyun applauded for his mother.Once Ji Feishuang fell down.We should learn our lesson.

For the house, Gao Lanxiang has her own plan.

"Old Ji and I raised your five brothers and sisters. I asked myself, you owe nothing except your elder brother." Gao Lanxiang felt very sad when she thought about her past with Ji Feishuang. "In the past, the family was very poor and had many children. The elder brother dropped out of school before graduating from elementary school, earning work points to take care of his younger siblings. Later, when she got married, we didn't find out the details of each other. That's why the eldest brother suffered so much. I don't want the Zhuo family, as long as he treats the elder brother well. I will talk to your father about the house and the remote matter. If he stubbornly wants to solve it by himself, the elder brother will think carefully about it."

Ji Feishuang blushed. "Mom, you and Dad don't owe me anything. Dropping out of school is my own choice."

"Silly child." Gao Lanxiang put her arms around her and wiped away tears, "You got good grades when you were young. If it wasn't for your family, you might have more choices now, just like a second child. How could you meet How about so many bad things?"

As an old father, Ji Shuxing is also very worried: "Feishuang, you came to Zhuo's house, didn't you just marry Zhuo Yuanyuan? Even if he is sincere to you, it doesn't mean that other people will treat you wholeheartedly. Money in his hands is your foundation. If people want to bully you, they have to weigh it."

(End of this chapter)

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