Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 515 Why Did You Kick Me?

Chapter 515 Why Did You Kick Me?
Mother Zhuo knew her son's temper.Seeing his horrible black face, she kicked her daughter in the dark.

Zhuo Yuanxia was very excited, "Mom, why did you kick me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he received a heavy slap on the face.

She couldn't believe it.She covered her face and stared at Zhuo Yuanyuan.After a while, she yelled, "You're crazy. Why did you hit me?"

This is the first time Zhuo Yuanyuan hit his sister.No matter how willful she is, siblings quarrel at best.This time I can see clearly.She did it on purpose today!

Mother had promised before.Now she suddenly made so many excuses.She thought with her toes, she knew it was Zhuo Yuanxia who was gossiping.

He likes to eat every day and do nothing.He wants to get something for nothing.He learned that the Ji family used the house as a dowry.He is smarter than anyone.He wants a divorce before marriage.He doesn't have such a sister!
Zhuo Yuanxia was born prematurely and the youngest child in her family.She was held in the palm of her father's hand when she was young.Although her father died early, he never hit her in his memory.

How could she live with this injustice?She will fight back immediately.

His son was stubborn and had been a soldier.Seeing that he was serious, Zhuo's mother hurriedly defended herself, for fear that her daughter would be hurt. "Xiangxiang, you did something wrong today. Remote, your sister can't speak. Don't worry about her."

Ji's is great.On the surface, they said it was fine, but in private they returned the red envelopes.Remote has a temper with her, but because she doesn't reveal her identity, she lets her anger spill over to Xiangxiang.

She forcibly dragged her daughter home. "You too, don't expect your brother to get better. If you don't get married, you will say divorce. If you don't beat who, who will you beat? This house belongs to the Ji family. How can you write our names? You What do you think? If you don't change your mouth, sooner or later you'll get spanked."

"Mom, that vixen..."

Mother Zhuo covered her mouth. "Do you still want to be beaten?"

Her face was hot, and Zhuo Yuanxia lay on the bed crying. "Why, you and Dad didn't hit me, why did he hit me for an outsider?" Mom, she hasn't come in yet, so my brother is biased.If I want to enter that door in the future, I won't be bullied to death. "

"Stop talking." Mother Zhuo comforted her and said, "Your brother is angry with me. I think he has a strong heart and must marry Ji Feishuang."

"Mom, people like that cannot get married. No wonder they don't destroy our family." Zhuo Yuanxia gritted her teeth while wiping her tears. "It's a good calculation. They say they came with the house. They've earned a good reputation. In fact, the house won't have our name on it. What if we don't get along in the future? We have to come back, Live without losing your life."

"What?" said the fifth mother helplessly. "Your brother is more stubborn than your father. As far as he knows, he can't even bring back ten cows."

"Anyway, I don't agree. I just don't agree." Zhuo Yuanxia was so angry that she beat the bed, kicked the stool, and cried non-stop.

Mother Zhuo calmed her down and went back to the hall.The red envelope is still on the table.Her son was in the kitchen boiling water for the bath.

She put away the red envelope, walked in and asked, "Have you really decided to marry Feishuang?"

"Mom, the jade man is so nice. It's not what you think. Don't listen to Xiangxiang."

Wu Mu made a hissing sound.What is she thinking?I haven't said anything yet.It is maintenance.

Knowing he had a big idea made her feel helpless. "When you grow up, you have your own judgment about things. I'm not in good health and it will only hold you back. You should think about it for yourself. Don't watch it."

Zhuo Yuanyuan took a bath for her. "Mom, we're a family. Not to mention dragging it. It's my responsibility to take care of you."

"Your sister can't speak. As an older brother, you should be more tolerant."

"Yes, I was too impulsive just now."

"Although we are poor, we will not covet other people's houses." Zhuo's mother sighed: "You have to be considerate. Although it is easy for women to follow the family, I am afraid that people will say that we do not marry wives, but only marry sons."

(End of this chapter)

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