Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 524 What do you think?

Chapter 524 What do you think?
Ji Feiyun also came to join in the fun, "Sister, when will you and brother Zhuo take wedding photos?"

"Ah?" Ji Feishuang didn't think about this question.It seems that this is not popular in rural areas.

"Be sure to take it. You can keep it as a souvenir in the future." Ji Feiyun urged: "Mom and Dad go too. When they are old, they will all become memories."

When Gao Lanxiang got married, not to mention the photos, even the quilt was old.

"Feishuang, now that the conditions are good, you and Yuan Yuan should choose a time to take pictures and wait for the people at the banquet to show up. How fashionable." Gao Lanxiang said happily: "I saw rich people getting married on TV. Men wear Suits, women wear wedding dresses. I don't know how beautiful they are. My daughter has to have them too."

Ji Shuqing smiled, "Go ahead. Take more beautiful photos while you are young. Don't be like me and your mother. Even if you take a supplementary photo now, you will be full of wrinkles."

There is a photo studio in town, and clothes to choose from.

Knowing that Ji Feishuang was going to shoot, Zhuo Yuanyuan didn't say anything, and the two left leisurely.

Renovation doesn't take much time.Gao Lanxiang looked through the calendar, chose an auspicious day, and wanted to determine the date of the wedding.

The main purpose of the wedding banquet is to entertain relatives of the woman's family.The man's family needs only his parents and sisters to be present.

Some relatives of the Ji family are in trouble again.They called several brothers from the Liu family.Liu's parents came back from the provincial capital, and Liu Yulin also came.Big brother and Ji Feiming are busy with their work.

There are also relatives of the Ji family.According to Gao Lanxiang's temperament, she didn't want to invite any of them, but after all, her daughter's surname was Jiang, and her uncle couldn't be less.

But when they come, Cho has to invite them again, or the wine show will be a joke.

"Let Shuqing's family come." Ji Shuxing thought for a while. "If we call, it's their business whether they come or not. If we don't call, we are wrong, and other people will have a say in the future."

Gao Lanxiang's face is not good. "What if it's like learning to drink?"

"Mom, there's nothing wrong with letting Second Uncle come." Ji Feiyun was very open-minded. "We pay grandma rent every month. If we dare to make trouble, we will cut her rent."

Gao Lanxiang asked Ji Feishuang: "Feishuang, what do you think?"

Ji Feishuang declined to comment. "Let the second uncle's family come."

In addition to inviting relatives, good friends, or big customers, they, Director Liang and his wife, and Li Pingan's family are also invited.

There are six tables in this circle.

Fortunately, the materials and workmanship are our own, otherwise the cost will be high.

Gao Lanxiang attaches great importance to the arrangement of the wedding banquet and wine.She specially chooses clothes for her daughter and son-in-law.Her daughter wore a festive red dress and her son-in-law wore a red tie.

Liu's parents came back from the provincial capital a few days early.Seeing their daughter and son-in-law doing so well in business, they shut up.

The two are also very satisfied with Zhuo Yuanyuan.This young man is a bit serious, but he doesn't flirt.

The two sons didn't come, but the red envelope came.Mrs. Liu stuffed it into Feishuang's hand, "This is what you two uncles want."

The third uncle Liu Yulin came back on the fourth brother's bicycle, and it was evening.

Ji Feiyun hasn't seen the fourth child for a long time.He has lost a lot of weight.He felt as if he had grown up all at once.Unlike before, he is not serious and playful.

"Sister." Ji Feilong was still enthusiastic, smiling and hugging Ji Feiyun.

Ji Feiyun raised his head and asked, "Fourth Brother, why haven't you come back yet?"

"I don't have time for classes or tutorials." Ji Feilong rubbed his head. "You look fat."

Well, Nan Yongpeng is immersed in reading every day.She can't say a few words to her every day.Besides eating, she is not interesting at all.

Today is a good day for the boss.It was rare for Gao Lanxiang not to scold the four of them. He came back with the monthly test report.

Gao Lanxiang jumped from No. 60 to No. 20.Gao Lanxiang doesn't hate him anymore.

When she returned to the room to rest, she whispered to Ji Shuxing, "Do you think Ji Feilong has changed?"

Ji Shuxing also felt that this time, he said very little.Unlike before, he didn't steal the show on anything. "Did you scold him so hard last time that you hurt his self-esteem?" The kids today are no better than us back then.You should pay attention to what you say in the future. "

Gao Lanxiang didn't think she was wrong.Four years old, he just couldn't make people feel at ease.

"There is a fifth-grade student in Feiyun's school. He failed the exam. He was slapped by his mother and jumped off the second floor on the spot. He is still lying in the health center."

Gao Lanxiang, "..." How about praising Ji Feilong?
In the evening, Ji Feiyun specially made another dinner and sent it to the third child and Nan Yongpeng, and then to the fourth child.

"Fourth brother, why are you still staring at him?" Isn't this exciting?

(End of this chapter)

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