Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 526 I'm talking about the truth!

Chapter 526 I'm Telling the Truth!
"Mom, it's just a wedding banquet. After drinking the wedding wine, the boss is going to get married. The Ji family will make a fool of themselves. They don't treat other people's money as money. The boss is a chef. He learned to wear suits for the rich. He Is it really a young master? Take off the skin and go to the kitchen to cook!
"Son, today is a good day for your brother. Can you say something nice?" Mother Zhuo was upset. "I knew you wouldn't come."

This banquet is really exquisite.If you do it yourself, you won't have so much face.

"Mom, no matter what I say, I'm telling the truth." Zhuo Yuanxia was not happy at all, and her words became more sharp.You didn't hear what the relatives and friends of the Ji family said.They say you're lucky to have found a good wife. "

What does it mean?This is not Zhuojia's soft food.Her mother is old and confused and people are laughing at her without even knowing it.

A fifth mother dug her daughter out and said: "If you can't shut up, go home!"

Zhuo Yuanxia didn't want to go.This is a wedding banquet for my elder brother.Why is she leaving?
Ji Feiyun had one eye on Ji Xiangling's house, and the other on Wu Ma and Jiang Xiangfang.Although I didn't hear what the mother and son said, judging from the rich expression on Zhuo Yuanxia's face, she didn't say anything good.

If she hadn't taken a fancy to Zhuo Yuanyuan, she wouldn't have let such a person in.

I guessed with my toes that the Ji family was extravagant and spent all of Zhuo Yuanyuan's money.She doesn't need to think about it.The Zhuo family only paid the fee, but she lost a lot of money just because the restaurant was vacated.

The Ji family does not accept red envelopes from customers today.In the future, they will take it to Zhuo's family and give it to eldest brother as private money.

This face is always looking for a bargain, but it doesn't suffer a thing.

Ji Feiyun sneered.Fortunately, he didn't deal with her often after that.Otherwise, he has to get along with her.

The guests came one by one, the six tables were full, the dishes were served one by one, and the wedding banquet began.

The atmosphere of the banquet was very lively.Li Pingan and his brother-in-law changed their names to Gu Da's brother-in-law.They are used to activate the atmosphere.Under the coaxing of the two, Zhuo Yuanyuan got drunk.

An inexperienced newlyweds, flushed, toast at the table.

At Ji Xiangling's dinner table, Na Zhuo Yuanyuan followed Ji Feishuang to call grandma.The uncles in the family said a few compliments.Ji Xiangling stopped being naughty and said a few exaggerated words.

After sitting down, the whole family had a big meal in silence.

The family runs a small business selling vegetables, chickens and ducks.They don't earn much.They still have a little food surplus to feed their families.But Ji Shuqing used to gamble, borrowed a lot of usury, and also borrowed a lot of money from relatives and friends.He paid back the money slowly, so life was stressful.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law wanted to take this opportunity to bow to Gao Lanxiang and ask her to pay off the debt.

However, Gao Lanxiang had already made up her mind, and she didn't give any face, let alone talk.

After the meal, he looked around like a caterpillar.Nan Yongpeng pulled Ji Feiyun back. "What are you looking at?" The rice was cold. "

Zhuo Yuanyuan wants to receive guests.Most of the dishes are made by Nan Yongpeng.

He gave Ji Feiyun braised pork. "Didn't you always want to eat it?" Eat it. "

Ji Feiyun was very happy. "Nan Yongpeng, you finally talked to me."

She ate the food he made, and said with strong eyes: "You always ignore me."

"Just bear with it. Finish the exam." He didn't ignore her.He just didn't follow her in the past.He is allocating his time wisely.

Watching Ji Feiyun swallow the rice, Nan Yongpeng reached out and wiped the rice grains from the corner of his mouth, "No one wants to take yours."

(End of this chapter)

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