Chapter 529 Leave him alone!
Zhuo's mother was speechless, and sighed helplessly: "Okay, ignore him. Look at your sister's life. You can live a good life with Feishuang."

Na Zhuo changed his clothes remotely and went back to work in Xiaobailou.

After sending off the guests, the Ji family opened the red envelope and checked the accounts.The two uncles who were not present totaled 86 yuan.

Gao Lanxiang didn't ask for money.She gave it to Na Zhuo Yuanyuan and Ji Feishuang together with the bill. "Here's today's money. Take it, you two. It's a favor account. You'll have to take it back with you in the future."

Zhuo Yuanyuan didn't want it.In order to meet the wedding and arrange wine, the restaurant refuses foreign guests, so we have to make up.As for the excess, Feishuang can take it.

With a correct attitude, Gao Lanxiang handed it over to Ji Feishuang.

The second is May 5 in the new calendar, which is a good day for marriage.

Ji Feiyun's eyes turned around. "Why don't you get your driver's license on May 5th?" It's a nice day.It's easy to remember in the future. "

Ji Feishuang thought: "Why is today a good day?"

Ji Feiyun covered his mouth and smiled. "You'll find out later."

When getting married in the countryside, the wine on the table is much more important than getting a marriage certificate.If you put wine on the table, you're officially married.

The world is changing fast.I don't know what the future holds.There are several people in the town who support their lovers by earning money.People are not afraid of others pointing out that they are not husband and wife without a marriage certificate.

The Ji family still attaches great importance to this matter and thinks it is necessary to obtain a certificate.

Gao Lanxiang decided: "Then you have to fly to the cloud, it happens to be May [-]th."

Sending off relatives is a matter for the man's family, and the woman's family can go to several representatives, mainly relatives, friends and colleagues of the man's family.

Uncle Wu has many relatives and few friends, but many comrades-in-arms.But now the traffic is very inconvenient.Zhuo Yuanyuan didn't plan to invite more people, so he told the people nearby that they were very affectionate.

Time passed in the blink of an eye, and all the furniture in the new house was installed.

On the 20th, Zhuo Yuanyuan and Ji Feishuang took the time to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to collect the certificate.

Last time she brought her sister to divorce, this time Ji Feiyun brought her sister to get married.Seeing the two people smiling sweetly in front of the camera, she took out candy from her pocket and handed it to the staff, "Auntie and uncle, you have worked hard."

My sister has a new life.Although she will encounter difficulties in the future, she will never repeat the tragedy of her previous life.

Looking at the red marriage certificate, Ji Feiyun smiled more excitedly than the two. "Great, I finally have a brother-in-law!"

As soon as I got home, I happened to meet a postman with a package from Ji Feishuang.

Besides the second child, who else sent it from Beijing Normal University?
Ji Feiyun happily opened the door.This is a fine women's watch. "Sister, this is a wedding present from my second brother."

The boss's hands are white and thin.The watch looked good on him, and it didn't look like a bargain.She loves her second son, so it's okay for her sister and brother to go on a diet to buy watches and save on clothes.

Ji Feiyun took the initiative to call his second brother: "Second brother, where did you get so much money to buy a watch?"

"Ah, how much money do you earn teaching foreign languages?"

"Okay, okay, you can eat on time. Don't be hungry. We're in no rush to make money."

Ji Feiming has also changed a lot.From Dumb English to No.1 in the oral English competition of the English department, Ji Feiyun hung up the phone and ran to Gao Lanxiang: "Mom, my second brother has made money as a tutor! He also won the grand prize in the English competition!"

"The rooster is too powerful." Gao Lanxiang was very happy, holding her daughter in her arms. "We, Feiyun, are blessed. If it wasn't for you and Nan Yongpeng selling fried noodles together, the second child would have dropped out of school a long time ago. How can there be a good day today. Oh, my baby!"

Taking advantage of the lunch break, Ji Feishuang packed up his things and moved to a new home.Na Zhuo remotely helped them move.The two got married in the new house.

Zhuo Yuanyuan brings things to work every day.Basically, everything in his hometown is similar.It's not too late to dump the wine and move the rest out.

All sheets and bedding in the room are new bright red.

(End of this chapter)

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