Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 532 I want to protect you!

Chapter 532 I want to protect you!
Ji Feiyun found that his eldest brother was a little absent-minded these days.It is estimated that it is what later generations call "premarital phobia".In addition, Ma Jianshe came to make trouble again tonight.She was afraid that her elder brother would think about things, so she slept with her.

I don't want to mention Ma Jianshe, but Ji Feishuang has already been affected.Ji Feiyun still said it.

Ji Feishuang was very surprised.Unexpectedly, Ma Jianshe not only remarried, but also broke into the house and married a teenage girl.He is constantly humiliated by the other party and his stepdaughter.

She really didn't know what to say.All she can say is that people are doing things and the sky is watching.

People couldn't help laughing, and a sentence came to mind: the cycle of natural justice, retribution.

Ji Feiyun was very satisfied. "Sister, Ma Jianshe has nothing to be afraid of. He just suggested pinching soft eggs and soft persimmons. If he marries a tigress like Wu Junhua, he will be punished."

"How can you say such things at such a young age?"

"I want to protect you." Ji Feiyun blinked, "My sister is the best sister in the world. Whoever dares to bully you, I won't let him go."

Ji Feiyun did as he said.He tracked down the speaker early the next day and asked for Wu's contact information.

There is no phone in Wu's shop, but there is a gold shop."Uncle, please help me find it. Her family is dead. It's urgent," she said.

When Zhuo came to answer the phone, Ji Feiyun pinched his nose and reprimanded him: "Please take good care of your man. Don't let him harass your ex-wife like a mad dog. They are divorced, still eating from the bowl, watching the pot What's wrong? Seeing your ex-wife become beautiful and young, do you want to look back? You are the same. Since you came back married with a bad face, you should be careful not to let it leak out and hurt others. If you can't control him, I will discipline him for you. If one day you chop it up and feed it to the dog, don't feel bad!"

In the morning, he was scolded.Wu was so angry that his lungs would explode.He was about to talk back, but the other party hung up the phone.

Show off. Show off.

She returned to the shop to heal.Well, Ma Jianshe, who eats soft food, lied to him yesterday that something important happened at home, and she had to go back to deal with it.Turns out she had a private meeting with her ex-wife!
I was so pissed that as soon as the store closed I went to town and killed him.

Before Zhuo's family arrived, Ma Jianshe came first from the police station with Lao Xu and Xiao Chen.

Ji Feiyun's eyes almost fell off.Is Zhutou really loose construction?

His nose was crooked, his face was bruised and purple, he walked with a limp, his clothes were wrinkled, and there were several rotten holes.He is worse than a beggar.

"Comrade policeman, it was Zhuo Yuanyuan who hit me. I can't be wrong. I want to sue others for personal injury." Ma Jianshe was so excited that he couldn't speak, his face hurt like hell.He covered his face, pointed at Ji Feiyun and said, "There's her." Yesterday she poured boiling water on me and cut me with a knife. "

Ma Jianshe went crazy and spoke incoherently.He only said who hurt him and asked why he was beaten.He stammered and refused to answer.

Old Xu asked Ji Feiyun: "Feiyun, did you really pour boiling water on him?"

"Uncle Wang, if you pour boiling water on him, his face will rot."

"Then why did you throw it at him?"

"My eldest sister is getting married. He even came to harass my eldest sister and tried to bully people in the mall. There were employees at that time. You can ask."

Old Xu looked at Ma Jianshe.

Ma Jianshe did not admit it. "I'm here to admit my mistake, please forgive me Feishuang."

"Bridge to bridge, road to road, please forgive me" Ji Feiyun also wanted to hit him. "Also, you're involved in a second marriage. If you're unhappy, do you want to go back?"

Ji Feiyun didn't hide it for him.He told Zhuo what happened to him, including domestic violence and abuse.

Ma Jianshe was stunned.Unexpectedly, she would know.

Ji Feiyun thought he was afraid that he was not a fool.Can he hide it?
Ma Jianshe was very angry when he was exposed. "Comrade police, remarriage is my business. Her personal injury is real. Don't let her run away with you."

In the middle of the night, he harassed his ex-wife and splashed dirty water.Old Xu thinks there is no problem.As for holding a knife, it's a bit serious.

(End of this chapter)

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