Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 544 I'm afraid my parents will beat me.

Chapter 544 I'm afraid my parents will beat me.

As a classmate, Ji Feiyun was very angry and even did worse things than animals.

"Qiaohui, you are just chatting with your classmates in class and copying homework. Although this is wrong, you have not broken the law. The police will not arrest you." Ji Feiyun comforted her angrily and said, "The teacher broke the law. He should Arrested by the police. You should tell your parents, otherwise he will bully you later."

"But I'm afraid my parents will beat me."

"If you make a mistake and promise not to copy your homework in the future, they won't beat you, and they will seek justice for you."

Chen Qiaohui was still scared, "Really?" Dad had a bad temper.If she made a mistake, he would beat her to death, sometimes even her mother.

"Do you still want to be bullied by the teacher?"

Of course Chen Qiaohui was unwilling.She nodded after half an hour. "I'll talk about it when I go back tonight."

Ji Feiyun was in a bad mood.Thinking of what happened to Chen Qiaohui, he was very angry and didn't eat much for dinner.

Jing Hu wore glasses and looked at Siwen.He has a mild temper.He often tutors students with low grades.I didn't expect him to do such a heinous thing.

On second thought, it seems that most of the students he tutors are female students.If he hasn't missed class before, he probably has tutoring.

She wanted to tell Gao Lanxiang that the building materials store was out of stock.Gao Lanxiang and Ji Shuqing went to the factory overnight to guard the goods.

The old three students could not solve this problem.He scratched his head across the room.In the end, he couldn't solve the problem.He knocks on Nam Young-peng’s room, and they’re discussing it.

Ji Feiyun thought about it, and asked Chen Qiaohui about it tomorrow.

The next day, Chen Qiaohui was late and didn't say anything.There were still palm prints on her face, and her eyes were swollen badly.

While the teacher was not paying attention, Ji Feiyun handed her a note.

Chen Qiaohui just talked to her mother yesterday.In the middle of the conversation, my father came home very drunk and frantic.He beat Yang's mother and Chen Qiaohui.Like nothing.

The bell for the end of get out of class rang, and Ji Feiyun was going to comfort her.But Jing Hu waved his hand at the door of the classroom, "Ji Feiyun, come out."

Jing Hu is a class teacher.He often looks out of the window during class.When he saw her stealing food in class, he handed her a note.Who won't he call?
Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ji Feiyun had to leave if he didn't leave.

She used to think he was a responsible teacher, but she didn't think he was a man with a face of a beast.

Jing Hu didn't criticize her at the door, but took her to the office.

Ji Feiyun stood still and refused to leave. "Teacher, what can I do for you?"

"You missed a few classes this semester. The teacher wants to know about your studies."

Seeing that she refused to leave, Jing Hu came over to pull her. "Feiyun, the teacher is also very concerned about you. Don't be defensive. Go to the office and talk slowly."

It seems that he can't go if he doesn't go.Now that get out of class is over, should he dare not do anything?Ji Feiyun waved his hands and walked to the office alone.

There is a teacher in the office, drink water and rest.

After greeting the teacher, Jing Hu sat down in his seat.Seeing Ji Feiyun standing in the distance, he immediately became unhappy. "Come here a little bit. The teacher wants to talk to you."

Unwilling to be so, Ji Feiyun took a small step.

The teacher sitting behind the desk shook his head.Students these days are really rebellious.

Rebellious children, which teacher is not common, Jing Hu has his own way, and severely criticizes, "Feiyun, do you know that eating and passing notes in class will affect your study?"

"Teacher, there is nothing wrong with my studies. I got full marks in math last time."

Seeing her answer, Teacher Jing pushed his glasses. "Your grades are fine, but you can't be complacent and interfere with other students. It's against classroom discipline! If you don't follow the teacher's advice, call your parents."

Ji Feiyun resolutely admitted his mistake. "Teacher, I was wrong. I dare not do this again."

"I heard that you are sick and asked for leave?"

"Yes." Ji Feiyun didn't want to see his disgusting face, and looked down at the floor.

"I don't think you have any problems. In physical education class, you and your classmates laughed together, beat together, scolded together, skipped rope together, and kicked shuttlecock together."

(End of this chapter)

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