Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 547 Jing Hu has bullied many female students!

Chapter 547 Jing Hu has bullied many female students!

With his schoolbag on his back, Ji Feiyun looked up at Gao Lanxiang and said, "Mom, I'm not lying. Jing Hu has bullied many female students."

What happened to others is beyond Gao Lanxiang's control, but her daughter is her own heart. "Don't be afraid, Feiyun. Mom will get justice for you. We can't learn from her."

Gao Lanxiang couldn't accept the idea that the school was protecting animals.She hurried to the health center.

Seeing Jing Hu lying on the hospital bed wrapped in rice dumplings, she was so angry that she slapped him on the face. "You are not as good as a dog or a pig. You let a hooligan bully my daughter and send thousands of dollars to hell..."

Jing Hu's daughter-in-law was also there.Her man was full of resentment when he was thrown with boiling water.She hasn't settled the bill with her parents yet, but they've come to her.

She and Gao Lanxiang started scolding each other, and the two women started fighting.

Seeing his mother being bullied, Ji Feiyun rushed to help beat her.

Jing Hu can't wear glasses because he is wrapped in rice dumplings.His face was burning.He got out of bed and got up, but he didn't know which one was his daughter-in-law.So the four of them scuffled, and there was chaos in the ward.

Doctors and nurses ran over and separated the four with great difficulty.

The mother and son who came later were really murderous.Jing Hu's injuries became more and more serious. He was kicked in the crotch and his daughter-in-law was beaten on the forehead to bleed.

However, this seems to be expected.That's because Hu Zongming didn't see clearly.He brought something to his daughter-in-law.

The couple are now hospitalized together.

The site cannot be cleaned up.The doctor decisively called the police.

There is no evidence that the teacher molested children at the time.There is no evidence that Ji Feiyun was molested.On the contrary, the evidence of Jing Hu's beating is conclusive.Not to mention how bad it is to pour boiling water on a teacher.The red palm prints on his face indicated that he was a bear boy.

It's just this bear boy... Sigh, why is it Ji Feiyun again?

If you can beat up a teacher like that, you don't look like a victim.

"What evidence do you want?" Gao Lanxiang became hysterical after hearing what the police station said. "Is my daughter really killed by it?" If my daughter is not smart, how can she become a man in the future!You pamper these animals, beware that her daughter will end up like this one day! "

"Calm down, Feiyun. We didn't mean that."

Because of the Child Protection Act, the police department has not drawn conclusions lightly and has repeatedly promised to deal with children fairly.They let Gao Lanxiang's mother and daughter go home first, planning to go to school to find out about the situation.

When she got home, Gao Lanxiang was very angry and kept crying.

Ji Shuxing was furious, trying to find out Jinghu's theory.

"The teacher is very eloquent and cunning. You didn't see his face. He said he was going to sue us and put us in jail." Gao Lanxiang patted the table heavily. "He's turned black and white now. It's useless to find him. First, let's see what the police say. In short, if you dare to bully Feiyun, I won't let him go."

After school at night, Chen Qiaohui's timid figure appeared in the small white building, "Feiyun?"

Ji Feiyun was very upset about her withdrawal from the battle. "Why are you here?"

She thought it would be easy to solve the problem.As long as Chen Qiaohui stood up and told the truth, the school would definitely pay attention.As a result, she went directly against the current and became the perpetrator, causing her parents to worry about pain.

"Feiyun, I'm sorry." Chen Qiaohui lowered her head guiltily. "I...I told my mum, but she said it's not good for girls to spread the virus. I can't get married when I grow up."

"If you don't say it, you will be bullied." Ji Feiyun's voice calmed down. "Will you continue to endure when others bully you in the future?"

Chen Qiaohui lowered her head and said nothing.

"Can you tell the police the truth? They will protect you." "

"But... Mom will scold me."

(End of this chapter)

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