Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 551 Jinghu is such a beast!

Chapter 551 Jinghu is such a beast!
As soon as he got back to the police station, his colleague hurried out, "Old Xu, come with me. Jing Hu is willing to talk."

An hour and a half later, Lao Xu returned to the police station with a solemn expression, and handed over the list to the leader with trepidation.

Looking at the long list of names, the leader punched the table, "What a beast!"

Huaguduo related to the motherland cannot be punished.

"In order to protect the underage children, the privacy of the victim should be protected when visiting the victim for evidence collection. We should not disclose it to the public to minimize the harm."

Old Xu is not happy.He hesitated for a moment, and asked repeatedly: "Director, do those who beat Hu Zongmin still want to continue the investigation?"

"Have you locked up the suspect?"

"No leads."

The director thought: "Do you think Nan Yongpeng did it?"

Old Xu didn't know.Jing Hu was short-sighted and couldn't see the murderer clearly.Nan Yongpeng's method is consistent, and he also has a motive for committing the crime, but his voice is wrong.Jing Hu was convinced that the other party's voice was hoarse.This is definitely a middle-aged man.

It's hard to draw conclusions.The case was obviously simple, but the perpetrator's anti-tracking awareness was too strong, and he left no clues.

The director thought for a while, "There are many things in the bureau. We have limited manpower. First, we will do our best to investigate obscenity cases. This cannot be tolerated. After the evidence is conclusive, let the Education Bureau intervene." "As for other things , if you have the time and energy, all cases should be followed up," said the director slowly

There is no way.Anyone who allows others to do everything should have the right to undo harm to people.So many families of the victims, they could all be suspects, so we have to find them.

Ji Feiyun's experience at school made his family angry and sad.She was afraid that she would be cranky and not go to school.

Little tree came to play with her. "Feiyun, Teacher Jing has been fired. Why don't you go to school?"

These days, he's stuck at home.Ji Feiyun didn't inquire about the news. "How did he get fired?"

"I don't know. The math teacher in the third grade is taking his place now. He said that Hu Stern will not come again." Xiaoshu was very curious, so he came over and asked, "Feiyun, did your parents find a relationship with Mr. Jing?" Fired?"

Ji Feiyun was stunned, angry and annoyed. "Who said that? He broke the law. It has nothing to do with my parents!"

Xiaoshu wanted to know, "How did Teacher Jing break the law?" After criticizing Feiyun, she lost her temper and beat the teacher to the hospital.

This is not just Xiaobao's problem.Many students think so.They thought the Ji family was rich and powerful.It was Mr. Jing who was expelled because he offended Jiang Yunbao.

what is this?
Ji Feiyun was very angry, but she couldn't tell the truth.After all, the exposure of such things has a great impact on the injured students.

"I don't know. It's none of my business that he got fired."

Two days later, the president came to visit.He has an apologetic face and holds a bag of fruit in his hand.

Gao Lanxiang thought she was partial to Hu, so she was so angry that she cursed, "What are you doing here? You are not welcome here."

"Mother Feiyun, don't be so excited. This matter has been investigated clearly. It is indeed Mr. Jing who made the mistake. Today, I apologize to you on behalf of the school." The principal is very sincere, trying to keep a low profile. "The school should be responsible for such a cruel teacher. The school has decided to expel him. In addition to apologizing, I would also like to invite Feiyun to go back to class today. Feiyun is smart, well-behaved, and obedient. He is a rare seedling that needs to be cultivated. He He will definitely become a pillar of the country in the future.”

"Smart, obedient?" Gao Lanxiang sneered, "That's not what you said at the beginning. You said my daughter was arrogant, unreasonable, and lying. She specifically confronted the teacher and asked me to correct my attitude."

The principal said embarrassedly, "Mom Feiyun, all this is a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Gao Lanxiang thought that he would put a hat on his daughter, saying that it was a business matter, and Feiyun would write a comment and publicly apologize, and Jinghu's medical expenses would be paid by him, and he would be legally responsible.

If he hadn't insisted on seeking justice for his daughter and finally called the police, I don't know who broke Jing Hu's hand and forced him to tell the truth.It is impossible to clear up the suspicion that Feiyun jumped into the Yellow River.What future does he have after deducting this fee?
This kind of trouble cannot be forgiven by apologizing afterwards.More importantly, he failed to apologize sincerely.He just couldn't come because of reality.

Who dares to hurt Feiyun?Gao Lanxiang is absolutely unforgivable. "Your school is so powerful, I can't even send my daughter to your school. I don't want to be bullied to death at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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