Chapter 572 I Can't!
Ji Feishuang said: "Dad, Mom, I need some money in my passbook. Why don't I take it out first?"

Gao Lanxiang was distraught. "What is the use of your little money?" Take care of yourself.Don't be stolen by her again. "Today, the son-in-law's stall has a problem, and the Ji family wants to help, but being tricked by Zhuo's mother is another matter!
Ji Feiyun thought: "Mom, why don't you go somewhere?"

"I won't." Gao Lan was so fragrant that she didn't go anywhere.

"But Dad is always very talkative. If that family's asking price is really too high, and Dad accidentally agrees, isn't our family the one who suffers in the end?"

Gao Lanxiang, "..." That's right, even if the Zhuo family's mother and daughter were sold, it wouldn't be worth much.In the end, you have to fill the void yourself.

forget it.You can go every time you go.Then you can bargain.

After arriving at the destination, Ji Feiyun took the initiative to say: "Mom, I'll go with you." I want the Ji family to pay for her dream!

"Why are you making trouble?" Go back and study. "

"Mom, why didn't I go too?" Ji Feishuang thought he was a member of the Zhuo family.If she stood up, she would be more genuine.

"Brother, his mother, how can you be so nice?"

Before mom could speak, Ji Feiyun asked, "Have you forgotten what you said to your relatives so quickly?" You said that no matter how rich the Ji family is, it still belongs to the Ji family.My younger sister married the Zhuo family, and the Zhuo family will never miss the Ji family again.Hey, you said just now that 1000 yuan is not enough for the Ji family.Is it because you don't want to pick it up or is it because you have Alzheimer's?
Watching my house rise from the skyscrapers, I thought my family was rich enough to throw money around.Why don't you ask me if I borrowed hundreds of thousands from the credit union, and when I wake up, I owe hundreds of dollars in interest.Have you paid back my family's money?Is there a problem?My family has an apartment.My sister was targeted by your mother and daughter, and her dowry was stolen by your daughter.If we don't lose our temper, our family is still a sick cat.Can you easily get exposure here?
1000 yuan is not a lot to us, but it is not falling from the sky either.It's a dime a dozen for my family.My parents earned their hard-earned money by squatting in the factory in the middle of the night.Is your daughter gold or silver? More than 20 old girls are still sucking the blood of their brother-in-law.When they encounter problems, they will calculate others to solve the problem.They also wanted to pay my brother-in-law's salary for two years.How can you think so beautifully?The law only stipulates that my brother-in-law has the obligation to support his wife, children and the elderly, but it does not say that he has to support your daughter! "

"Oh, who bullied whom?" I just wanted to borrow 1000 yuan.If you don't like it, don't borrow it.Can I grab your stuff? Zhuo's mother blushed and began to cry: "Yes, I live in your house and eat and drink your son-in-law's food. I am dead."I deserve your advice, so I will die..."

He bumped into the wall as he spoke.

Zhuo Yuanxia cried out and hugged her quickly. "Mom, what are you doing?"

"Don't stop me. I have no face to live. To live is to waste food. It will only hinder my son and daughter-in-law. I am an old man and passed away a long time ago..."

Gao Lanxiang: "..."

Ji Feiyun: "..."

The mother and daughter looked at each other.This old widow is not an ordinary shameless woman.You said she was gossiping.You say she is wasting food.This is more difficult to deal with than Saturday Ying.

If you want to die, why not find a corner to die quietly!

go, go, go.Can't hide if you can't afford it?

Without saying a word, Gao Lanxiang took her daughter and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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