Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 575 We still have a chance!

Chapter 575 We still have a chance!

"It's okay!" Ji Feiyun was worried. "We still have a chance."

Nan Yongpeng saw her jumping up and down, and asked, "Do you want to arrange for me?"

No, there are no phone scams these days.That is Y big.Many people dream of going there.He is crazy!
This phone does not have a callback feature.Ji Feiyun scratched his head and almost dropped the phone. "Nan Yongpeng, teacher, what is the phone number for the Admissions Office of University Y?"

No, with the end of the college entrance examination, major colleges and universities will set up admissions teams to settle in various provinces before the results are announced to compete for top students.

"Why did you apply to CUHK?" Seeing that he was not serious, Ji Feiyun almost cried in anxiety.Although X City Chinese University is also a key university in China, it still lags behind Y University.

"I like it, so I report."

Guangdong province is now the country's economic leader as students flock to colleges and universities in the south.That would be a hot spot.If you didn't choose this place, where would you choose?

However, Nan Yongpeng does not value diplomas.

Instead of wasting a few years in the north and then returning to the south to start from scratch, she would rather lay the groundwork in the south first.

Ji Feiyun thinks that Nan Yongpeng has changed.He is serious now.Something so big was hidden.If he doesn't answer the phone today, he won't know that he'd rather be a chicken head than a cocktail.

From the beginning to the present, he has not said this matter, and he has never regarded Ji's house as his home.

Hmph, how sad!
The injured Ji Feiyun left his cell phone behind and did not sit next to Nan Yongpeng for lunch.When he came back for lunch, he didn't answer the others.

She lay on the bed and began to cry.

Nan Yongpeng doesn't care about her at all.He didn't say anything.He completely treats the Ji family as outsiders, so it doesn't matter.

that's right.A powerful person like him must feel that the Ji family has dragged her into the water in recent years and taken advantage of him.

She could foresee that when he got the acceptance letter, he would take her as a burden, not look back, and cry

it must.She was so obvious he didn't even explain it.

The phone call was not returned, but the principal and class teacher came.

Instead of going to Nan Yongpeng, they went to Ji Shuxing and Gao Lanxiang.They are unaware of the existence of mobile phones and welcome their arrival with enthusiasm.

Alas, the principal of Tangtang Middle School came to the door in person.That's pretty cool.

To tell you the truth, the middle school in the town used to be relatively small.However, it is reported that as the area is divided into new urban areas, Zhenli Middle School will be renamed County Laosan Middle School and may expand in size in the future.

The teaching staff of different specifications will naturally be different, but they will definitely flourish in the future.

This is all in the future.The principal wants to solve the current problem.He drank two cups of tea and cut to the chase. "Nan Yongpeng, the two of you have no parents and have been living with you all the time. By the way, you are half a son. You have to talk to your parents about some things."

"That's that." Ji Shuxing was very helpful to the principal.Several children in his family were treated equally. "Principal, Nan Yongpeng was the head of the family very early on, and he has his own thoughts on everything, so we rarely ask, did we not cause you any trouble?"

"No, Nan Yongpeng is the pride of the school." The principal smiled and said, "Our province's college entrance examination results have come out, and Nan Yongpeng did very well in the exam."

Enrollment is a living hallmark of this school.The school pays special attention to top students every year and starts to pay attention to them early.It uses various channels to make inquiries before publishing the listings.

This year's exam questions are difficult, and the optimistic academic masters have lost a lot, but there is also one that exceeds expectations and shines brightly.

Nan Yongpeng won No.1 in the city and the third place in the province.This is a good result that the school has never had.

When the principal heard the news, his eyes were moist.It's not easy.

However, compared with the excellent results, the volunteers filled by Nan Yongpeng are worrying.

The school had previously assessed him.It is very possible to rush to Tsinghua University and Peking University.But Nan Yongpeng didn't know what was wrong.He only filled in one volunteer - CUHK.

The head teacher worked hard, he hardly knelt down, but he just didn't listen.

He has achieved such excellent results.Although volunteers cannot be changed, as long as Nan Yongpeng agrees, the school can take the initiative to contact the two universities, and the possibility of being admitted is still very high.

But Nan Yongpeng's temperament was clearly seen by the head teacher.

In desperation, only Ji Shuxing and his wife can be found in the school, hoping that they can come forward to persuade Nan Yongpeng.

(End of this chapter)

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