Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 595 Don't Accept?

Chapter 595 Don't Accept?
"Not accepted?"

Ji Feixue was as silent as an ostrich.

"Deciding to repeat or work?"

Ji Feixue gritted her teeth, "Work."

Liang Yan threw an olive branch towards her. "You can come to my factory and start as an apprentice to lay a solid foundation."

Ji Feiyun shook his head. "No, I'll find it myself."

First of all, I don't want to disturb others.Secondly, Liang Yanchao asked me to help design the costumes for the VT Spring Festival Gala last year.The interpersonal relationship in the design department is more complicated.Many people talked about her behind her back, saying that what she relied on was not her own ability, but her relationship with Da Ji Feishuang.

Liang Yanchao didn't know what he was being criticized for, but he didn't openly help him.

The little white rabbit didn't say a word, especially because he was not good at dealing with interpersonal relationships.He can't even handle the merits of the department.He was engulfed every minute on the outside.

Therefore, Liang Yanchao is not optimistic about his impulsive decision. "You have longed for G City University for so many years, and you gave up so easily?"

Ji Feixue felt bitter.What can she do if she doesn't give up?Not because she failed the exam, but because she failed the exam.

Liang Yanchao looked at her calmly. "Do you really want to go in?"

Ji Feixue lowered her head, "Then what do you want, who can guarantee that you will be admitted?"

Liang Yanchao stretched out his hand and pulled her up. "Come with me. I'll take you to G City University."

Ji Feixue broke free from him and took two steps back. "G City University is not run by you. Whoever wants to go in can go in."

"Who said the college entrance examination is the only way out?"

Ji Feixue was startled, and looked up at Liang Yanchao.

"Talent is the key to design, and grades are just a stepping stone." Liang Yanchao comforted her and said, "Pack up your work, and I will take you to G City University. If you have great talent, it is not impossible to make an exception for admission, but the school School starts soon. You should hurry."

Ji Feixue thought for a while, then stopped.

"Don't you even have the courage to fight?"

Of course Ji Feixue wanted to fight for it, but she couldn't even find a way.How can she fight for herself?

"You just look down on me?" Liang Yanchao said with a helpless smile, "I also graduated from G City University. I dare not say how much I have achieved, but I ask myself, I am very happy with my teachers. "

Ji Feixue's eyes were bright. "Is it really possible?"

"If you don't go for it, you don't have a chance. If you don't go for it, at least you won't regret it."

"Will it be too..." Did you bother him?
To tell you the truth, she really frustrates him.I have known her for two years.Why can't she be warm?

Liang Yanchao turned and left, "It's okay if you don't want to."

Seeing that he was about to leave, Ji Feixue was anxious, and subconsciously grabbed his sleeve, "Wait a minute."

Liang Yanchao looked at her.

Ji Feixue looked embarrassed, and finally gritted her teeth and made a decision. "Please, I'm going to fight for it."

"Don't cry?"

Ji Feixue blushed.

"Let's go." Liang Yanchao opened the car door and let her get in. "Go back and pack your luggage and leave tomorrow morning."

The Ji family was very surprised when they learned that the third son was going to the provincial capital tomorrow morning.

Kolanxiang is full of fog. "Break the record?"

Ji Feixue hadn't heard of it, but what Liang Yanchao said should be right.Best to give it a try.As he said, if not successful, at least no regrets.

Ji Feiyun thought for a while.There seems to have been such a conversation.A wealthy father in the future failed the college entrance examination for three consecutive years, but because of his excellent English, he was admitted by a university with exception.But in those years, the English department of that university did not fully recruit students, so it made an exception.However, due to the surge in the number of applicants, G-City University gave up admissions.Making exceptions is even harder.

Liu said he lied.He must have used other methods, such as money ability.

Times are changing, and key universities are booming.It is not impossible to find someone to spend money on.

No student Ji Feilong failed the exam, she is very talented.She just had bad luck.

So, just squeeze your money in, squeeze in as long as you can!It's better than repeating.

"Third Sister, I'll go too." If Liang Yanchao really had a way, he could pay his own money, as long as it was within his ability.

Gao Lanxiang frowned. "Feiyun, the third brother is already bad enough. Don't make trouble for him."

"No, I want to. I'm not sure I can help." Ji Feiyun smiled. "Three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang. Don't worry, Mom and Dad. I will take good care of myself and won't cause trouble for my third sister and brother Liang."

(End of this chapter)

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