Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 608 Combined Punishment for Several Crimes!

Chapter 608 Combined Punishment for Several Crimes!

"Aunts don't need to blame themselves. They have been detained." Liang Yanchao just called the local police station, and the truth came out.

The case is not complicated and the transaction is invisible.The Yang family did not know the identity of the seller when purchasing quotas through an intermediary.According to the clues provided by Yang's family, the police also sent people to investigate from the mailing track of the admission notice.They all know that registered mail is very important, and they must sign for the handover between the two places.

Soon, the two clues were discovered at the county post office.After being confirmed by the middleman, it was the sorter surnamed him who did it.

He is not a first offender.This year alone, he stole three acceptance letters, two of them from post-secondary institutions.The results of applying to such universities will not be very good, and there will not be too many doubts if you do not receive a notification.

Places in junior colleges cannot be sold at high prices.He had nothing to do in the past two years, so he became bold and stole the No.1 of the university.

He is a thinking criminal.He steals women and not men.If a man is admitted to university, his family will provide him with money by selling iron, but it is different for women.Many families value men more than women and they won't let men go.Even eccentric parents keep acceptance letters under wraps.

Ji Feixue sold his notice for 600 yuan.He is still smug.Unexpectedly, the police arrived at the door before Qian Gai heated the heater.

In three years, they stole ten admission notices.If you are not arrested this time, you don't know how many victims will appear in the future.

He will be punished for several crimes, and he will be enough to drink a pot.

In any case, from the Ji family's point of view, Liang Yanchao saved Ji Feixue's life, and they have different views on him.

The Ji family invited him to drink a few glasses of wine in turn.

However, they were displeased to learn that the confession of the prisoner surnamed him was half-truth and half-false.

He's not stupid enough to steal key universities.After all, the scores that would allow admission to such a school will never be written.Once he did not receive the admission letter, the school would notify him to track it down.Therefore, he can only steal from lower ranked universities.

This year, he suddenly received a large sum of money and asked him to steal two admission letters, one of which was from CUHK.

This is CUHK.Unfortunately, he also reads newspapers.He is No.1 in the city and the third in the province.Even if he had the courage to have ten dollars, he would not dare to steal it.

The second child was really helpless.If he doesn't steal, he will die.He has to work hard.But he was so unlucky that he was found.

In the face of severe interrogation by the police, he tried many times to confess truthfully, but for the safety of his family, he dared not tell the truth even if he was killed.

It was just after dinner.Liang Yanchao asked Ji Feixue: "If you have something to bring, pack it tonight and we will leave tomorrow."

Ji Feixue didn't have many things, but he was a little worried: "Where's your potted orchid?" It's a pity to throw away such an expensive flower and leave it at home without anyone to take care of it.

Speaking of orchids, Liang Yanchao was very interested. "Are they blooming?"


"Go and see."

Ji Feixue is already used to it.Every time he came back, he came to see the orchids.

She is a careful person.She has taken good care of the quilt for two years.Liang Yanchao looked at these beautiful flowers and smiled at her. "The flowers you grow are as beautiful as you are."

His eyes were slightly different than usual.Ji Feixue's face suddenly turned red. "Why don't you let Master mention it?"

"She nags me every day, saying that I don't want children. She doesn't want to see me anymore. How can she love me?" Liang Yanchao suddenly had an idea, "Why don't you take them to dinner, and you have Come and take care of me when you are free?"

Ji Feixue was too surprised to keep her mouth shut.

"I travel a lot. Sometimes I don't come back for a month or two."

Ji Feixue subconsciously wanted to refuse, but thinking of this kind of help, she couldn't refuse, "Okay...Okay."

Liang Yanchao seemed to be ready, and took out the key to her.

Ji Feixue was confused.

(End of this chapter)

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