Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 61 There is meat to eat at night!

Chapter 61 There is meat to eat at night!

Nan Yongpeng doesn't like to force others.This is Ji Feiyun's choice.He quietly accompanied her, wanting to see if she could exchange Polygonum multiflorum.

Not to mention, the ancient cemetery has fertile soil and a lot of medicinal materials.Ji Feiyun did not leave empty-handed.He picked all he could, and some mushrooms.

Nan Yongpeng was speechless, she dared to pick mushrooms on the tomb.

I make some money these days.Anyway, I don't need her to stutter.I secretly tossed the mushrooms away.

Ji Feiyun has a clear goal, and she has already noticed it.

After a while, she waved to Nan Yongpeng and said, "Ah, yes."

It looks very old.The vine roots are thick, and the vines are entangled with the old trees.

Nan Yongpeng estimates that this wild root has existed for at least ten years.

Ji Feiyun doesn't need to guess.He is in his early twenties. "It doesn't seem old enough. Let's find it again, shall we?"

Polygonum multiflorum is a perennial medicinal material.It's really not an old product more than a decade later.Nan Yongpeng made a mark, but he couldn't find it and dug again.

After walking around the mountain for more than half an hour, they found another stubble.

Ji Feiyun's eyes lit up, "That's it." That's the taste, grandma level.

Anyway, she chose it.Nan Yongpeng had no objection, took out a sickle and cut off the vine.

Ji Feiyun drew a big circle with his branches and helped him dig.

Laifu also came to join in the fun.The dog continued to dig with its paws, "Wow!"

Ji Feiyun suspected it was a disturbance, "Go away".

This is looking down on dogs.The injured Laifu ran away.

Nan Yongpeng dug and dug, and finally understood why he had to make such a big circle.Its shape is a bit peculiar.

Not very special, but very special.

It takes a lot of effort.When Lu Yuan dug out the Polygonum multiflorum weighing more than ten kilograms, he was very embarrassed.

This is Polygonum multiflorum, the shape is too bright.

He didn't want to speak well, thinking that Ji Feiyun didn't understand.

Ji Feiyun said curiously: "Wow, the human-shaped Polygonum multiflorum must be sold at a good price."

Yongpeng: "..." She seems to know everything.

Put the Polygonum multiflorum into the medicine basket.In order not to be seen and jealous, Lu Yuan deliberately covered it with grass.

When they came back with a full load, they were very happy and took out the buns to fill their stomachs.

I didn't see Laifu.Ji Feiyun yelled while eating.You will not lose the goods.

"Woof!" came the voice from another mountain.

The dog was too wild, Ji Feiyun didn't bother to talk to it, so he ate his share.

"Wang, wang!"

The sound was getting closer, full of panic and urgency.

Ji Feiyun immediately became alert.

Nan Yongpeng also heard it.It seemed that something was chasing him.

Then came the squealing of a pig.

Laifu is really blissful.It led back a wild boar.The point is, it also pissed off the wild boar.Two pig feet were bitten and bleeding.

The wild boar ran wildly and ran away with Laifu.

"Woof!" Little sister, I have meat to eat tonight.

Ji Feiyun was speechless.Does she really think she is God?

Laifu completely ignored her thoughts.Along the way, it competes with wild boars for wisdom and courage.It is not easy to make it angry, and the rest is left to the lady.

Come on, it's time for her to see death!

From afar, the wild boar rushed over.

Its speed was so fast, Ji Feiyun didn't even have time to respond.He watched it hit.Suddenly, his neck tensed, and he was taken away in time by Nan Yongpeng who was nearby.

The wild boar failed, and arched the medicine basket with its nose, and Polygonum multiflorum flew out.

Crazy, very aggressive.He stopped and turned his pig's head to Nan Yongpeng.

Nan Yongpeng pushed Ji Feiyun away, rolled on the spot to avoid the wild boar's attack, and took the opportunity to pick up the pickaxe on the ground.

Bitten by a carp, he landed firmly in front of the old tree.The wild boar is at it again.Seeing that it was about to hit, he dodged suddenly.

The wild boar slammed into a tree.Nan Yongpeng turned around and inserted a sharp nail into the wild boar's throat.

Blood gushed out like a spring, and the boar squealed, his back thumping.Unable to avoid being hit, Lu Yuan flew out and landed next to Ji Feiyun.

At this time, Ji Feiyun had already picked up the stone, and the boar that hurt his throat became even more manic.He rushed and bumped into them again.

She instinctively raised the stone and smashed it down with all her strength.

She didn't realize how strong she was.She only heard a "bang", and the wild boar's head was directly crushed.

(End of this chapter)

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