Chapter 636 You are sick!
Ji Feiyun blew his hair, especially when he saw He Qingling being placed in Nan Yongpeng's arms.He gave me a hard look: "You're sick! If you see a man who can't walk, you throw him on top of him!"

At that time, He Qingling had already been pushed away by Nan Yongpeng.She tripped twice and couldn't keep her footing.She plants trees around her and pushes others into the rain.

The person who was pushed was an aunt who was eager to go to work.Her bicycle fell down with a "bang".Fortunately, the hand next to her quickly helped her.Otherwise, she even fell into the water with her car.She couldn't help shouting to He Qingling: "What are you doing? You have no spine!"

They are old neighbors in the same building, and they know each other's good points.He Qingling is an extreme snob, he doesn't like the poor, but likes the rich.On weekdays, she likes to fantasize about flying to the branches and becoming a phoenix.Neighborhoods are not harmonious.

She didn't expect Nan Yongpeng to push her away so rudely, without any gentlemanly demeanor.

Regardless of her aunt's anger, she quickly turned around and explained to Nan Yongpeng, "I'm sorry, I just stood up. I don't know who pushed me."

"Who are you pushing?" Seeing that the collar of Nan Yongpeng's white shirt was stained by lipstick, Ji Feiyun was even more furious. "It's not big enough for you to flirt. Do you have to rush at men to enjoy it?"

The words come from the mouth of the child.They were so destructive that those around him immediately talked about them.They looked like they were watching a great show.

The two aunts standing behind the station were busy watching this exciting scene. "Qing Ling, let's stop forcing you. Don't wrong people."

He Qingling blushed. "Feiyun, you really misunderstood me. I didn't mean to."

"Of course you don't mean that. You mean it!" Although Ji Feiyun was usually petite and cute, when he got angry, his eyes would stare like copper bells. "Why, seeing that Nan Yongpeng is handsome and rich, he still can't catch up with his son?" It is not enough to see him on the stairs every day.He knocked on the door and delivered watermelon and chocolate.A lot of men try to barge in when they are eating at home.We can't even hide, but now we rush over on purpose?What, you hug Nan Yongpeng, Nan Yongpeng is going to marry you? "

I go.This is a huge amount of information.I know that He Qingling doesn't like the poor, but likes the rich.She usually gets close to the middle school boys in her family.I didn't expect her to be so fierce.She also rushed into other people's homes to deliver drinks and food to others.The neighbors are very concerned about her.

He Qingling's face was red, and her eyes were also red.She couldn't help worrying: "Ji Feiyun, you are talking nonsense. You said you didn't know who pushed me. I fell down because I couldn't stand upright. You kid speaks so viciously and framed my innocence. You are educated ?"

"I'm not educated. Why are you knocking on my door every day, an educated person? You want to go crazy! Please go back and look in the mirror. Nam Yong Peng is not blind. How can you like you? You uncles and aunts have seen it I saw it. She rushed towards Nan Yongpeng on purpose. This is the crime of hooliganism! This woman is playing hooligans!"

Among the three residents on each floor, He Qingling knocked on the door for the first time.The old lady next door bumped into her several times.People were obviously avoiding her and not opening the door.A girl's family has no face and no skin, so the tan family can raise such a daughter.

"You... He Qingling was so angry that he burst into tears, and looked at Nan Yongpeng tremblingly." Nan Yongpeng, did you see her frame me just now? "What kind of hooligan? The ground is slippery. How can I be a woman playing hooligans with a man?"

Ji Feiyun said aggressively: "Since men and women are equal, why don't women rob? Why don't you knock on my door like gangsters and ask for money? In such a big rain shelter, you have to plant yuan. I just said Someone pushed you. Why do you say the ground is slippery now? Do you want to face it? If there were not so many people today, Nan Yongpeng would not have been washed away by jumping into the Yellow River. You did not force him to marry you! Today , let us witness together. Yongpeng has friends, and if you go there, you absolutely cannot like it. If you come out and follow Nan Yongpeng, you must be framed."

(End of this chapter)

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