Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 648 You Are So Beautiful!

Chapter 648 You Are So Beautiful!

Lao Guo explained: "This is Nan Yongpeng's younger sister, Feiyun."

"Auntie, you are so beautiful." Ji Feiyun handed over Tulip.

"Thank you." In her early years, the environment was harsh and her mind and body were broken for a long time.Professor Guo is much older than her actual age.When she went out, she was called grandma by the children, and suddenly she was called auntie.She is in a good mood.

After a few pleasantries, Professor Guo went to arrange flowers.Ji Feiyun felt that the atmosphere in the living room was very dull, so he couldn't help following.

She likes this kind of person with temperament and self-cultivation.She is much better than those bad-mouthed aunts at home.

Professor Guo also likes her very much.She chatted with her while arranging lace.The old and the young come together in harmony and enthusiasm.Laughter came from time to time.

When she learned that she had entered the fifth grade, she was surprised and said, "I didn't expect you to be so smart at such a young age."

Ji Feiyun was very proud. "Yong Peng taught very well."

On the other end of the phone, Su Jiarun and Nan Yongpeng had finished reading the newspaper.Lao Guo looked at them and said, "What do you think?"

Su Jiarun said: "Professor, the country is suddenly disarmed by millions. Don't talk about domestic tensions, I'm afraid even the international situation will change."

After eating chicken feet, Lao Guo was in a good mood.When he said this, his expression was very serious, "That's it?"

"1 million is not a small amount. The resettlement fee alone is an astronomical figure, and their job transfer arrangements..."

"Well, I know you don't need to read with your brain." Lao Guo became impatient and looked at Nan Yongpeng next to him. "And you?"

Nan Yongpeng put down the newspaper.

When a country makes such a major decision, it must not only make concessions and sacrifices to maintain world peace, but also shift the focus to economic construction.This is a turning point of an era.In the next few decades, the earth will change dramatically. "

Su Jiarun: "..."

Lao Guo stopped his anger and looked at Nan Yongpeng gratefully.Huh, he was right.

Just as he was about to scold Su Jiarun, another guest came out.They are friends of Lao Guo, they are about the same age, and they brought a five or six-year-old girl with them.

The couple are regulars.A little girl dressed like a butterfly flew towards Professor Guo. "Grandma Xiao, I miss you so much."

Lao Guo didn't invite anyone for his birthday this time.The old friend and his wife were worried he would be lonely, so they brought their young granddaughter here.

At this moment, Nan Yongpeng got up and went to the kitchen.Professor Guo was embarrassed. "There is an aunt at home. She has no problem cooking." Lao Guo didn't say that there are guests coming today.He doesn't have much food.Really rude.

"Ma'am, let Yongpeng show his skills. The dishes he cooks are delicious." Ji Feiyun said proudly, "Look, he raised me like this."

Su Jiarun, who was disliked by Lao Guo, also said: "Madam, you are welcome. We are here today to join in the fun."

After entering the kitchen, he was very unconvinced and muttered, "Nan Yongpeng, how can you tell that the disarmament of millions is for economic construction?"

"You see with your eyes. I see with my heart."

Su Jiarun: "..."

Not long after the dish is bought, there are fresh seafood, hairy crabs, ribs and beef.The portion is not huge, but it's better than delicious.At first glance, this is the standard of living of the rich.

Nan Yongpeng never cooks seafood, so Ji Feiyun didn't ask the servant when he saw his calm expression.

A few more people came out.Professor Guo walked into the kitchen. "I'm afraid there isn't enough food. I'll buy some more."

Not only old friends, but also academics and city officials.They could fill the tables, but it's too late to buy vegetables.

Ji Feiyun ran out to have a look.The people who come are polite people.It is estimated that they will not eat much.

They brought home beef giblet casserole, salt baked whole chicken, chicken wings and chicken feet.Portions are generous.This is already four courses.

Nan Yongpeng did the math. "This is enough."

"I'm really bothering you." The conversation outside is all about jargon.Professor Guo doesn't like to play with everyone, so she stays in the kitchen and helps out.

Su Jiarun turned around and became excited too.

Professor Guo was born into a prominent family.She had never touched Yang Chunshui in her early years.Later, she worked hard for a long time.She doesn't know how to cook, so she can only help pick vegetables.

He doesn't even know how to pick vegetables.

(End of this chapter)

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