Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 650 This has nothing to do with money.

Chapter 650 This has nothing to do with money.

After the guests left, Nan Yongpeng got up to say goodbye.

Xiao stopped him. "There will be a workshop next weekend. It will take two days. You should prepare in advance."

Nan Yongpeng was stunned. "Um."

In return, Professor Guo picked a painting from the studio and returned it to Ji Feiyun. "Feiyun, I like the flowers you gave me. I'll give you this painting. I often come to play when I'm free."

Ji Feiyun doesn't know how to paint, but judging from Professor Guo's taste and cultivation, this painting is definitely not cheap. "Thank you, Auntie."

Holding the painting happily, she got into the car and waved to her, "Auntie, I like you."

Professor Guo smiled and led her to the door.

Back in the living room, Lao Guo said puzzledly, "That painting is your favorite. Others won't sell it at a high price. Why are you willing to give it away today?"

"It's not about the money. I like this kid."

Lao Guo watched his wife stretch out tiredly. "Did you make another mistake?"

"Okay." Professor Guo thumped his waist. "I don't know what happened, but it's more comfortable than usual."

She is busy entertaining guests today.Naturally, she was tired, but she smiled more.

Lao Guo knew that his heart was not good, so he was silent for a while and said, "Why don't we go to the orphanage to adopt a child?"

Professor Guo didn't think about it a few years ago, but old Guo doesn't like children.What's the use of letting go now?Her health is worse than before.She doesn't have the energy to adopt a child.

Although the eldest daughter is sensible, she may not have a good relationship with her adoptive parents.The youngest son is willful.She couldn't stand being like his friend's granddaughter.

However, to Professor Guo's surprise, he has always been stubborn.How could he suddenly change his mind?

Back home, Ji Feiyun fell on the bed. "I'm so tired."

Nan Yongpeng went to pick her up. "Change your clothes. Don't lie in bed when you're dirty."

Ji Feiyun put on his pajamas, washed his hands and feet, and threw himself on him. "Yongpeng, Professor Guo seems to like you very much."

Not everyone is able to attend such a high-level seminar.It's great that her family, Nam Yongpeng, can get on the bus.

Tsk tsk, she is very picky!

Nan Yongpeng couldn't tell if he was excited.Unexpectedly, Ji Feiyun rushed up and hugged his neck.He said excitedly: "Yong Peng, you will have 12 points of energy. Whether we will eat soup or meat in the future depends entirely on you."

He raised his eyebrows. "Um?"

stupid?If you catch up with the train of development and follow the economic policy resolutely, it is very difficult to get ahead without making a fortune.

Nan Yongpeng felt that she was vulgar and vulgar, so he pulled others away from him. "I understand."

The bidding process for the canteen went very smoothly.Pengfei Catering's bidding materials are brilliant, and its scale and strength lie there.It quickly passed the data review.

The second is qualification and capital review.Mortgage funding is already in place.

The director of the logistics department was surprised when he saw Nan Yongpeng.He was too young, but he didn't expect to talk about contracting canteens very professionally.After more than an hour of discussion, all links were carefully considered.He even asks tough questions on purpose, and he has a plan in place.

Everyone went back to wait for the notification, but the director of the logistics department gave him an answer on the spot and went back to get ready.

However, before this good news was digested, Nam Yongpeng was reported.

In addition to its own strength in bidding, people and channels are also very important.

This is not only precedent, but also prone to controversy.Nan Yongpeng and Su Jiarun knew this well, so they didn't deliberately mention the identity of the students.Therefore, after the second round of screening, the logistics department did not discover his special identity.

Those who bid did not make an effort to understand their opponents.Everyone concealed their unique skills, so Nam Yongpeng was reported anonymously.

After verifying his identity, the logistics department immediately interviewed Nan Yongpeng, "You are still a student. How can you participate in the canteen bidding? This is nonsense!"

That day will come sooner or later, but if you confess at the beginning, you will be ruthlessly eliminated in the first round.

(End of this chapter)

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