Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 673 Don't Worry!

Chapter 673 Don't Worry!
Sure enough, the boss came on the third day.Zhao Hongqi wanted to take him away, but didn't want to see him.

However, he came again the next day and gave him cigarettes to make up for his smile. "I'm really sorry. I was out the last time you were here. I have a problem with my attitude. Don't worry."

Zhao Hongqi didn't shake his head, but said politely, "Can you deliver the goods on time?" My rice, flour, oil, and food are all ordered, and the kitchen utensils are also in good condition.I'm waiting for you to make room for me. "

"Brother Zhao, you have never worked in a canteen before. I don't know how difficult it is to make money in this industry. I will sell you kitchen utensils at a discount. You can save a lot of money. There is also a lot of rice, flour and oil..."

Nodding and bowing, Zhao Hongqi said reluctantly, "How much is the discount?"

A good man, when he speaks, he treats others as fools.

"No, my new order is cheaper than yours," said Zhao

"It's easier said than done, just make an offer," he said

Zhao Hongqi is more cautious and wants to see the goods on the spot and discuss the price.

He is not in a hurry.He didn't leave until the afternoon before the handover.He almost startled the other party.

30% for kitchen utensils, 20% for rice, noodles, oil and grain, and payment can only be made after consumption.

The boss was very angry, he took out the delivery note. "Brother Zhao, you have a bad heart. I bought rice, noodles, oil and grains with real money. How can I turn them into 8?"

Zhao Hongqi did not answer.Instead, he pulled an order contract out of his bag. "This is my purchase price. As for your purchase price, I don't care. The price is given to you in good faith. If you feel that you have suffered a loss, you can ask the car to take it away."

Seeing the unit price on the contract, the other party took a deep breath and stared at his wife and younger brother.a dog!He eats inside and crawls outside!
Regardless of their internal contradictions, Zhao Hongqi said, "As for the payment after consumption, it is not for you, but the rules of this industry." You provide rice, flour, oil and grain, but you don't do it now.If something happens, where can I find you? "

There can be no evil intentions and defenses.

In addition to older employees, bosses also have problems with men.The canteen he won through normal bidding was deliberately targeted by him.Who knows if he will do bad things behind his back?

The other party was upset, but he didn't dare to show it on his face, "It's okay, as you said." When I found the car and took it away, I had to find a place to put it away.I was even more overwhelmed.

After sending Zhao Hongqi away, he turned around and yelled at the leader: "I'm too blind, let you take the helm. No wonder the food is worse than pig food. Do you dare to take the kickback with your heart? Get out. Don't call me brother-in-law again. !"

At three o'clock in the morning, Zhao Hongqi took everyone together and handed them over in the dark.

Checking stuff is no different.After signing and handing over, he led people to clean it from the inside to the outside.The old employees are fried dough sticks.They can only do surface work.They cannot hide soil everywhere.

Due to the large number of people, they grind everywhere and perform their duties.

Nan Yongpeng is lucky.Canteen No. [-] is the canteen with the largest number of students in the student dormitory area.However, there is also a canteen upstairs with a good reputation, which means there will be strong competition in the future.

If you want to stand out from the crowd, you have to think hard.

Zhao Hongqi encouraged everyone, "In this division of labor, there are good and bad positions. If you have skills, don't be complacent. If you haven't been assigned to your favorite position, don't help yourself. In the future, you will improve yourself, Hard work skills. From what I know of Nam Yong Peng, this restaurant is just the beginning. There will be more in the future. You are not short of opportunities.

In addition, he will also use 5% of the annual profit as a bonus to distribute to employees at the end of the year.By then, you will be like me.Building a house and marrying a wife is no longer a dream.You will work hard to make life better for your family. "

His words received warm applause from the staff.

After giving everyone blood, the tasks were assigned smoothly.

There are many varieties of Zhaohongqi breakfast such as steamed buns, steamed buns, soybean milk, deep-fried dough sticks, porridge, and boiled noodles.Seeing that the morning light was already bright, he informed him to open the door for business.

His family has a bad reputation.Although Zhao Hongqi has confidence in his craft, he dare not do too much.

(End of this chapter)

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