Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 675 I want to sign up!

Chapter 675 I want to sign up!

Ji Feiyun said while eating: "Yongpeng, there is a martial arts gym not far from the martial arts hall. I want to sign up."

Martial arts school?Nan Yongpeng thought: "How do you want to sign up?"

"When I learn something, no one will dare to bully me, and I can protect you in the future." Every time a bad guy comes, she doesn't want to hide.

Nan Yongpeng frowned. "Did someone bully you?"

"No, I just want to get better and not hold you back."

Why is this holding him back?stop thinking!
"You can't protect me forever." Ji Feiyun had his own reasons: "I have martial arts and can defend myself. I can protect myself from bad people in the future."

Nan Yongpeng thought: "Learning martial arts is too difficult. Can you do it?"

Ji Feiyun patted his chest. "I'm not afraid of suffering. I only go after school. It takes two or three hours a day. Where can I suffer?"

Lu Yuanxin, who has been fishing for 3 days and posting on the net for 4 days, is very enthusiastic about everything.It's strange that she can keep going. "Okay, I'll show you."

When she finished eating, Nan Yongpeng led her to the door.

His martial arts school is not far from the school. 5 minutes by car.The martial arts school is run by the father and son.The old man is over 60 years old.He is wearing a simple long shirt.He is healthy and energetic.His son is about 40 years old and has a big belly.

The martial arts school is not big, but there are all kinds of martial arts.Swords, guns, sticks, and sticks hang on the walls.

Soon after it opened, almost no students enrolled.Although a little girl came, Chubby He Weiwei entertained her warmly and boasted about her kung fu.He never believed it.He also practiced boxing, nunchucks and spears on the spot.

Although he is fat, he is a flexible fat man.He plays like a tiger.He's really good at it.

Tuition is not cheap.He Guangyi worked hard to attract people. "Little sister, you don't think I'm fat, but my qigong is not bragging. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

With that said, he took a firm step, took a deep breath, and held his breath.His round stomach retracted, "Punch me in the stomach."

Ji Feiyun felt it was better not to do it.What if it hurts?
"It's okay, come on, let's fight!" He Weiwei put down her bold words and said, "Let your breast milk come out!"

Ji Feiyun looked up at Nan Yongpeng, okay?

Nan Yongpeng knew he was strong, but he nodded.

Ji Feiyun walked forward. "Uncle, I beat him."

He Guang took another deep breath and said, "Fight!"

As expected, Ji Feiyun was desperately feeding and punched him in the stomach.

Deng Deng Deng, He Guangyi took three steps back before stopping.His face turned red, and he was can that be!

The old man was startled, and stared at Ji Feiyun. "Little girl, how strong!"

He Weiwei rubbed her belly.Fortunately, he was ready.Otherwise, she would have to finish the meal she just had.

The old man is very interested in Ji Feiyun.He waved her over and squeezed her limbs to check. "He's a nice young man but he just has strength but doesn't know how to restrain himself. Come on, you can punch me."

Ji Feiyun didn't dare to fight.In case of damage, he has to pay medical bills.

The old man smiled. "It's good. Just coming."

Ji Feiyun thought for a while, then patted his shoulder
Old man, he didn't hide.Instead, he reached out and hit her wrist joint sideways.Ji Feiyun's fist was crooked, his strength was gone, his accuracy dropped, and he almost fell down.

4kg or 2kg?

Ji Feiyun wanted to stay.From 6pm to 9pm, the time is not long, but the tuition is not cheap.

Nan Yongpeng didn't care about tuition fees, she was worried that she wouldn't be able to survive.

He Weiwei tried her best to win, "It's okay. I can take a class for free."

So, Nan Yongpeng left Ji Feiyunbao's martial arts school.He went to the hotel to follow up the progress and made an appointment to pick him up at 9 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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