Chapter 68 Is She Despised?

Shortly after the afternoon market ended, two brothers who practiced setting up stalls came back.

There is a lot of meat in the buns and the price is affordable.Both cages are sold out and there are very few left in the store.It shouldn't be a problem to sell out in the afternoon.

There are three siblings looking at the store.Nan Yongpeng took Ji Feiyun back to the village, intending to dig out the remaining Polygonum multiflorum in the cemetery.

It was late when he got home.Ji Feiyun took the initiative to say: "Yongpeng, wait for me, I'll go drink some water, and then we'll go to the mountains."

"You rest at home. I can go back and forth quickly by myself."

Ji Feiyun: "..." Was she despised?
But what he said had a point.He has long legs and walks fast.He won't be back with her until late at night.

Gao Lanxiang heard the voice and walked out of the yard.She smiled and said, "Yong Peng is back. You haven't finished your pig's trotters last night. Come and have dinner tonight."

"Thank you, Auntie. I'll take care of it tonight."

Gao Lanxiang was very enthusiastic, "How can you talk casually? If you don't have time, I'll burn it so that Feiyun can deliver it."

Nan Yongpeng said, "No, Feiyun is tired."

Ji Feiyun felt that he was not tired at all, but Nan Yongpeng suddenly felt strange.He was worried all the time when he came back.Now he seemed to avoid her like snakes and scorpions.Did she offend him?
When he came back, Nam Yongpeng even disappeared.

After Ji Feiyun entered the house, Gulu Gulu drank a bowl of cold water, spread out the money in his pocket in front of Ji Shuxing and his wife, and solemnly announced: "Mom and Dad, we will never owe you any more."

Then they know that Polygonum multiflorum is sold for 500 yuan.They were pleasantly surprised for a long time, "Oh my god, the pie fell from the sky. Oh, our Feiyun is really golden skin bumps!"

Since the debt, the whole family has been unable to sleep peacefully. They know this bottomless pit well, but they can't do the immoral things of abandonment. They can only knock out their own teeth and swallow blood.

Li Gunli was also ridiculed by the villagers.All thought that the family would lose human and financial resources and never have a bright future.Who knew there would be a turning point in a short time.God bless me.

Counting a lot of money, Gao Lanxiang couldn't help crying again.This time she cried with joy.

After receiving the money, she wiped away her tears and announced the good news: "Feiyun, your marriage is retired. From now on, you have nothing to do with Tian Weidong, a beast."

Today I was so angry that I threw a catty of pork on Xu Zhaodi's face in front of the village chief, and scolded Tian Weidong.

She was happy, but when she calmed down, Gao Lanxiang was still a little worried.

While her daughter's stupidity disappeared, heart disease was difficult to treat, and some people couldn't see others.It is said that what Feiyun committed was not stupidity, but intermittent psychosis, the kind that has both good and bad.Although she is fine now, she will not be sick again one day.

Gao Lanxiang just removed the big stone in her heart, and now she is much more relaxed.

Now I can take care of my daughter.What if one day she goes with Lao Jiang and Feiyun is left unattended?
One afternoon, Gao Lanxiang suddenly came up with an idea.

Waiting for dinner, she couldn't help but say, "Feiyun, is Yongpeng good-looking?"

"Good looking." The most handsome man she has ever seen.

"Is he nice to you?"

"it is good".

"do you like him?"


"If he were engaged to you, would you like it?"

Ji Feiyun: "..." What are you doing?
Ji Shuxing choked on his wife's words.He coughed badly, blushed, and cursed, "You're talking nonsense."

Gao Lanxiang was immediately upset. "Can't I be worthy of him?"

"Feiyun is still young. What are you worried about? Besides, Nan Yongpeng is nine years older than her."

(End of this chapter)

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