Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 681 You are finally here!

Chapter 681 You are finally here!
Ji Feiyun smiled, "Aunt Guo, you and the professor are going to celebrate the New Year. Yongpeng can eat whatever he wants."

The new year is coming, the leaflets have been printed, and the employees have spread out the leaflets.Everyone is full of energy, waiting for the door to open.

The megaphone with its bulky snakeskin bag squeezed out of the bus station and got on a bus to the restaurant.

Ji Feiyun was very kind when he saw him. "Brother Xiaohang, you are finally here."

"Xiao Feiyun." Xiaohang hugged her excitedly. "I didn't expect that I could really come to the provincial capital." I thought she was joking, but I didn't expect her dream to come true so soon.

For the past two years, I have been doing business all over the world.I didn't expect that I could not compare with the provincial capital.The world is so big.Thanks to the little boss, he can make the market work.

Without her help, I don't see how I would still be toiling in a brick kiln.It's not like now that the whole family can eat enough and dress warmly.The house will be built soon.

"Brother Hang, how is my fourth brother?"

"Him?" Xiaohang shook his head over and over again. "I've been enjoying reading a lot lately. Since I got back in November, I've been bringing books to dinner every day. I haven't even had time to go home. Last time I saw him in town, he lost a lot of weight. On New Year's Day, I asked He went out to get together in the provincial capital. I said I didn't have time." I skipped classes every day in junior high school, but now I don't recognize my relatives.

Ji Feiyun didn't know what to say to the fourth child's reversal of polarity.

Speaking of the fourth child, she thought of Liu Qianqian again.She asked, "Is there any news about Liu Qianqian recently?"

"I heard her family arranged a blind date. She came back for a few days last time and left soon."

Blind date?Ji Feiyun beat his heart. "What about that man?"

"I heard that there are many brothers and sisters in the factory." Liu Qianqian didn't know what she was thinking, but her family was very satisfied.As for what happens after that, it's unclear.

Ji Feiyun opened his mouth and was speechless.

Liu Qianqian is willing to go on a blind date.Should she put down a fourth child?It's ok.If she wants to be with the fourth, she will not end well.

The speaker is full of energy.He built himself a shop on the third floor.He drove around in circles.He plans to familiarize himself with the site before letting go.

The sisters haven't seen each other for a long time.Ji Feiyun called and asked if the third daughter would come this weekend?

Aunt Su Guan yelled a few times downstairs, but the answer was "no".

Ji Feiyun wanted to know, where did the senior high school students go when they were not in the dormitory at night?Are you going home?

Ji Feiyun was afraid that the third child would not be able to get in, so he returned from the martial arts school early.As a result, he didn't even see the shadow.

Speaking of which, the two of them met a month ago.Last time, they met outside.She went downstairs by herself.

What the hell is this third guy doing?
In fact, it wasn't Ji Feiyun who played tricks.It was Nam Yongpeng who was too dazzling.Ever since he publicly admitted he had a relationship, the older mums in the family have been talking about it before and after tea.

Because of He Qingling, Grandma He complained to Nan Yongpeng.Seeing that Ji Feixue came to live every weekend, she fanned the flames everywhere, saying that this woman didn't understand the rules and came to sleep every weekend.

Whoever listens to this kind of gossip is enthusiastic, "Both of them are college students, aren't they?"

"Why not? I live downstairs in my house. It's very noisy at night. I almost broke the roof. It's so loud that I can't sleep." He Qingling said more and more aggressively: "What about college students? He pretended to be serious in front of him, but he was very happy in private."

This incident intensified, so that when Ji Feixue came to the door, someone pointed at her behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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