Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 691 I'll Take You There.

Chapter 691 I'll Take You There.

Ji Feixue poked his forehead: "Have you taken your medicine?"

"I didn't have anything when I came out. I think I was forced to leave because I drank too much." Liang Yanchao's voice was lazy.He sat up and loosened his neck. "You want to find Feiyun, don't you? I'll take you there."

After drinking so much alcohol, how dare Ji Feixue let him drive.She took out the water bottle from her bag and said, "You should drink some hot hydrolysis wine first. I have some antipyretics here."

Liang Yanchao took the wine and drank it slowly.

Ji Feixue opened the window to disperse the smell of alcohol. "How long have you been drinking?"

Liang Yanchao rubbed his forehead. "Estimated two hours."

Ji Feixue found antipyretics from the bag. "Take one".She put the rest in the glove box in the car. "If you feel sick later, you can eat."

The smell of alcohol dissipated quickly.Liang Yanchao closed the window and put tape on it.Teresa Teng's voice sounds very natural.

He closed his eyes and rested.Ji Feixue saw a coat in the back row and covered him with it.

Liang Yanchao took the opportunity to hold her hand. "Finally someone cares about me."

Ji Feixue didn't know what to say.

After half an hour of sleep, his fever subsided and he almost woke up.Liang Yanchao started the car, "Are you going to Feiyun or Shamian?"

Ji Feixue thought: "Let's go to the pharmacy." The fever subsided, but his nasal voice was still heavy.

Along the way, she worried that he would take the car away.Good, though.People drank alcohol, but the car was very stable.

In Xiguan, Ji Feixue found a reliable pharmacy, and came out with a bag in more than ten minutes.

He didn't ask any more questions, and went straight back to Shamian.

When he parked the car, Liang Yanchao was not very stable.He sat on the sofa, closed his eyes and rested.He's not doing well.

Ji Feixue was about to buy some medicine for him when the phone rang.

Liang Yanchao couldn't get up. "Get it for me."

Ji Feixue had no choice but to do so.A smiling voice came from the other end of the phone: "Son, will you come back in the new year?"

The call was made by Liu's mother.When she heard the thin, crisp voice, she was immediately full of energy, "Yunhua?"

Ji Feixue blushed. "Master, wait a moment."

She greeted Liang Yanchao, and Liang Yanchao walked over slowly.

The mother and son chatted for half an hour.Ji Feixue was cooking ginger soup in the kitchen, listening to the movement outside.

But fortunately, Liang Yanchao said it in a few words.

After drinking ginger soup to warm her body and taking the medicine for a while, Liang Yanchao's eyes fell on her wrist, "Do you have the watch?"

Ji Feixue explained: "It's too expensive. I'm afraid I'll lose it."

"Retire very early. I'll ask Feiyun to take you there tomorrow."

Feiyun!Sister, does she know?

Seeing her dodging, Liang Yanchao couldn't help smiling wryly: "Feixue, I feel relieved when I see you for the first time. Your sister knows it, and Nan Yongpeng knows it, but you can't feel it."

Ji Feixue: "..."


Pengfei Hotel opens at nine o'clock.

I don't know how many passengers there would be if I sent out flyers a week in advance, but this time I invited many guests.

Su Jiarun heard that when bidding for the cafeteria, his golf friends and the student union helped him.Zhao Yufei's family wanted to come over.Tian Ruilong ordered two tables.One from Duan's family, another from the nearest police station, and another from his martial arts school.Liang Yanchao asked for three tables.He said that in order to complete the orders before the festival, the factory worked overtime and gave special rewards to employees.

Su Jiarun said that Nanyongpeng Restaurant is very popular at the Chinese University of City X.It happened to be the New Year's holiday that day, and it was also a discount for the opening.Many students are preparing to move.

There are many more.Ji Feiyun's business should not be bad.

Ji Guichao is the owner of the restaurant.He set off firecrackers on time from 9:1 to [-]:[-].I was afraid that there would be no one at the door, so I discounted the refreshments for the first ten tables.But when I opened the door, many people gathered at the door, most of them uncles and aunts, running to bargain.

In case of a long holiday, all factories and units are on holiday, and they rush to eat while shopping.

Before, I was worried about the shortage of customers.Unexpectedly, the boss was full of sincerity in the process of making a profit.Many people rushed to the hall quickly.The lobby became more and more lively, and the pre-arranged guests came one after another.

Around 10:[-], a group of evil spirits suddenly appeared outside the door.

The welcome staff are sharp-eyed.Aren't they the fault of Brother Scar a while ago?

(End of this chapter)

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