Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 702 Eat while it's hot.

Chapter 702 Eat while it's hot.

Ji Feixue handed over the lunch box. "What Feiyun gave you, you can eat it while it's hot."

What he wanted was not rice.Liang Yanchao started his car. "It's too cold on the side of the road. Let's go back and eat."

But she wants to go back to school.Tomorrow morning, she will go to the cloth store to find materials and make the sweater as soon as possible.This style is something she has never tried before.She had never seen anyone wear it.She can't wait.

Seriously, she was a little scared to be alone with him.

Ji Feixue looked sideways out of the window.Her fingers touched her lips unconsciously.She thought he kissed her last night.Looks like she's still warm.She couldn't help blushing and beating.

"What cloth are you looking for?" Liang Yanchao concentrated on driving. "I'm going to the factory tomorrow to take care of some things. I can take you to the warehouse."

Ji Feixue was not sure, "You have to look at knitted terry cloth or wool."

After the New Year's Day holiday, Nan Yongpeng and Ji Feiyun stayed in the restaurant every day.They are as exhausted as their grandson, but rewarding.

The conscience of the guests was highly praised, which energized everyone.However, she also encountered some minor contradictions.Sister Guo took Ji Guichao to deal with them satisfactorily.

Towards the end of the holiday season, speakers rolled up their sleeves and got to work.His first customer was Canteen No. 7.The cafeteria staff brings fresh food every morning.Not only bought together, but also sold separately.

Buy two bottles of soda, weigh half a kilogram of peanuts, cross your legs, and chew on chicken feet and duck wings.Dorm life is wonderful.

Next, we will go to delis in major shopping malls and vegetable markets to promote Pengfei Restaurant.Customers who are interested in cooperation can bring them back for a visit after tasting the products.

No immediate hits yet, but the market is slowly opening up with these things and the three-inch tongue of the speaker.

Xiaohang has big ambitions.His targets were not only department stores, but also public institutions and factories.Chinese New Year is coming soon.Customers want to give gifts.Employees have Spring Festival benefits.If we can supply, we can kill two birds with one stone.

Canteen No. 7 is on the right track.Nam Yong Peng's focus is on restaurants.He drove over after class in the evening and didn't leave until closing time.

They are all skilled cooks.Give us some advice.For the questions raised by the guests, if there are any, they will be corrected, and if they are not, they will be encouraged.

In mid-January, after receiving the payment from No. 1 canteen, Nan Yongpeng and Ji Feiyun smiled at each other.Su Jiarun was too excited to speak.He invited his friends to Pengfei Restaurant for a delicious meal. "Today, I am very happy to entertain you well!"

They were also invited.However, compared to eating and drinking, Ji Feiyun prefers to stay at home with Nan Yongpeng.Simple is best.

Seeing him sitting at the table reading a book, she put her arms around his neck and said, "Yongpeng, how much money is in our account?"

"What?" Mice don't leave overnight food and can't sleep until they spend it, can they?
Ji Feiyun has a strong sense of rationality in everything he does, and so does his money.

"I want to send you a BP machine. I can reach you wherever you go."

send him?Does she know how expensive a blood pressure monitor is?

"Yongpeng, you are too stingy." Seeing that he was unhappy, Ji Feiyun immediately changed his face. "Funds. You won't let me give it to you. Do you want to do evil secretly and keep me from knowing where you are?"

Nan Yongpeng: "..."

"We work so hard to make money just to spend it. I know being with you is boring!"

Rolling his eyes as if he had no money, "Hmph!"

Nan Yongpeng: "..."

Before he could speak, she walked over repeatedly.If he disagrees today, I feel sorry for her ancestors.

Nan Yongpeng did not explain.He quietly picked up the car keys and walked out.Seeing her pouting, breathing fast, her airway blocked: "What are you doing? Let's go." What a nuisance!

(End of this chapter)

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