Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 708 Nan Yongpeng is not professional.

Chapter 708 Nan Yongpeng is not professional.

Nan Yongpeng spent his money, but Ji Feiyun still refused to hand over his passbook.

Teresa Teng's "I Only Care About You" is playing in the tape recorder.Ji Feiyun dug out Nan Yongpeng's notes at the seminar: "Ah, Yuan, let's buy a house."

The seminar is still going on, but it is impossible to expand investment promotion and further introduce foreign capital.The coastal cities of Guangdong are about to undergo earth-shaking changes.By then, Sino-foreign joint ventures will bloom everywhere, and people from all over the country will flock to the south.

For the factory, Ji Feiyun has no ambitions.After all, it is not easy to engage in manufacturing.Nan Yongpeng is not professional.

Her eyes linger on urban areas, but she doesn't want Nam Yong-peng to work too hard.She made no effort to appreciate its value.There is only one house.At present, there are still units allocated.Not many people are willing to buy a house, but the future will be different.

When later generations flipped houses, some companies worked so hard that their annual profit was not even as good as that of a house.

So, this is a time to pick up money.Unless she's crazy, she's saving money for nothing.

"Buy a house?" Nan Yongpeng rubbed his forehead.Is she done?

Ji Feiyun spread out his notes and asked, "Yongpeng, shouldn't we buy a house?" In the city seminar he attended, he clearly wrote down what would happen in the future.

Nan Yongpeng knew that he liked Liang Yanchao's Western-style architecture in Shamian very much, so he kept thinking about it.However, Western-style architecture in Shamian cannot be bought with money.In addition, there is not enough money in the passbook.

"I'll buy it later." Ji Feiyun had an idea in mind: "I want to buy an old dilapidated house."

Nan Yongpeng, "..." How can you live in such a dilapidated place?The locals have basically moved out and rented out to outsiders.What they want is cheap.

Ji Feiyun is running for the old.Don't look down on these places.In the future, he will become a commercial and financial center where every inch of money is every inch of land.Those who are demolished will become local tyrants of the "slipper gang".

She also wants to wear slippers.She carries a woven snakeskin bag every day to collect rent.She receives it from the beginning of the month to the end of the month.It's the kind that lasts a whole year.

Nan Yongpeng stared at her. "Do you want to wait for demolition?"

"Okay." This kind of house is cheap, and the demolition can compensate a lot of money.The key is to buy it and put it there no matter where it is.This doesn't bother Nam Young-peng at all.

Nan Yongpeng thought for a while, "Finish the exam first, and wait until the New Year is over." If she fails the exam, let alone buy a house, she won't even buy snacks.

Satisfied, Ji Feiyun took out the passbook from his stomach.

Nan Yongpeng was forced to be smart by her, and threw it into the cabinet and locked it.

Ji Feiyun: "..."


Liang Yanchao went through the back door, and Ji Feixue inserted the goods into the production order.

At the same time, she was not idle.She went on to sell it on campus and ordered dozens of sets again.

At first, she was very shy and didn't dare to knock on the door of the dormitory, but when she thought that she had more than 2000 items in her hand, Ji Feixue forced herself to knock on the door.

Get out of your comfort zone, the reality is far less scary than you think.Although you have been shut down many times, you have also gained a lot.

He is beautiful and soft-spoken.A senior sister reserved a seat and asked her how to match it. "Little sister, I think your clothes are beautiful. How do you match them?"

After the dialog box was opened, Ji Feixue took this opportunity to chat with them without hesitation, and gave her pertinent opinions based on their looks and figures.

She found it easy to communicate with people of the same sex, and her eloquence improved.Wu sisters have a good attitude.They also gave her snacks.On the contrary, the contradictions in the dormitory are getting deeper and deeper.

She is eager to make some money and move out early.

As soon as the clothes arrived, she delivered them to the door one by one according to the statistics.

They sold over 200 sets back and forth in school.Ji Feixue calculated, because of Liang Yanchao, the processing fee was not high, and the net profit of more than 200 sets was more than 800 yuan.

In addition, the total money earned before is more than 1000 yuan.If you can sell the remaining goods, you can pay off most of the debt.

Running to buy a house, Ji Feiyun was full of energy and did a good job at homework.Final exams are not too stressful for her.

When the weekend came, she put down her schoolbag and helped Ji Feixue sell goods.

(End of this chapter)

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