Chapter 714 Casually?

"Whatever?" Ji Feiyun asked, "You don't know that you should be held legally responsible for maliciously slandering or slandering others?"

This little boy was aggressive, and Wu's mother lowered her face: "Feiyun, you are wrong. How can I slander Ayu? Chang'an gave me food, but your sister didn't. It's all true. Today, my old man People didn't keep their mouths shut and accidentally exposed her family scandal. But when she bit each other, there was no contradiction. I'm not saying that Ayu is bad. Don't take it seriously. This time, my old lady sympathizes with you Ji family."

This is the most disgusting thing about Ji Feiyun.Dead old women want to be whores and chastity torii!It's obvious that she chews her tongue casually, but she steers clear of important things in favor of light ones.Her face was full of compromise.Instead, she seems to have been oppressed by the Ji family.

"Yes, you know. You really feel sorry for my family!"

This old woman is shameless.What else does she need to worry about? "Our family doesn't care about my brother-in-law's parents. I don't have tiles to cover my head. I insist on marrying my eldest sister to my brother-in-law. What do you think? When my brother-in-law goes to work, my sister is not idle. She is still standing A big belly makes money, and earns no less than his brother-in-law. Moreover, it is natural for your son to take care of you. Why does my sister not only go to work with a big belly to earn money, manage housework, but also come back to cook three meals a day for you The son is only responsible for work? No wonder everyone wants a son. If you dare to marry a wife, you can be a shop owner."

Big fart boy with a mouth like a knife.

But who is not here?They have been married for many years.When you were young, which one didn't learn from your mother-in-law, and went out to work when you got a big belly, serving rude old men, and taking care of the young and old.What's the difference when going to Jiang's house?

But it is correct.No matter who makes the Ji family rich, or even gives the Ji family a house as a dowry, they definitely don't want to be punished by their mother-in-law.

Ji Feiyun said: "My sister wants to be a shopkeeper. She can feed her mother-in-law three meals a day. If she is hungry, she can feed you. If she is thirsty, she can bring you water. But her husband's own Can the salary support the whole family?"

Everyone thinks you should be in charge of the family, but you can't even take care of yourself.How do you manage your money?It should be up to my brother-in-law and sister to decide how much they make and who they spend it on.As you just said, my brother-in-law's income is only enough to support the family.Should he have born and raised his children?You even want your brother-in-law to take your food.Do you still have the energy to take care of your children?My sister can't afford a nanny to take care of her!

So, don't say my sister doesn't pay.The money she and her brother-in-law earn is ordinary income.They spend their money and save it.They have to spend their money on cutting-edge technology, not nothing.Also, my mother has two sons.No need for a son-in-law.My sister's child was born with her husband's surname, unless you, a mother-in-law, don't want to! "

Every word hurt her heart.Wu Mu's face turned blue with anger.She was shaking and couldn't even speak.

Ji Feiyun gave her a cold look.Without giving her a chance to explain, he looked up and walked away.

After walking a few steps, she stopped and turned her head away. "My brother-in-law is his mother. I don't think much of the women who used to date my brother-in-law. They either look down on your poor family or ask my brother-in-law to treat you. Compared with them, what's wrong with my sister? You don't even hate divorced women with children. Why don't you like my sister? Is it really my sister, or you don't have enough people!"

He walked away after speaking.

Ji Feiyun didn't care about Mama Wu's mood.All she knew was that she was feeling down right now.

On the 29th of the first lunar month, the mall was very lively.People everywhere are preparing New Year's goods.Ji Feiyun found the boss on the second floor.He has a big belly and is introducing merchandise to guests.

After the guests left, Ji Feiyun advised her to take a break. "Sister, you have been working for more than half a year. Don't you find someone to take your place? If you have nothing to do, just take a break."

"I'm very busy at the end of the year." Ji Feishuang smiled. "Besides, being idle at home is boring. Better find something to do. Don't worry. I'll take care of myself."

(End of this chapter)

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