Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 741 It seems that Nan Yongpeng is enlightened.

Chapter 741 It seems that Nan Yongpeng is enlightened.

It seems that Nan Yongpeng is enlightened.

Now, there are no real estate agents.The two can only ask the head of the village at the destination for Tiaohuazi or a bottle of wine.If they can talk about it, there will be extra red envelopes.

There are some mean assholes.Many local residents have flats to allocate their houses or build new ones.Of course, there are also many who aspire to immigrate to the Western world.

The first deal was settled quickly.The owner's son went abroad to study and lacked money, so he planned to sell his old house.

Three bedrooms and one living room, front and rear courtyards, covering an area of ​​more than 300 square meters.The house has been vacant for years and has leaks in several places.The asking price is 900 yuan.

900 yuan is expensive according to the market price, but after all, the old house still has feelings after living for a long time.The owner of this house does not want to sell it in his heart, and is still trying to raise money privately.

Fearing a long dream, Ji Feiyun symbolically cut 50 yuan, signed the contract, and went through the transfer procedures.

The village chief thought the siblings were stupid and rich.In such a place more than ten kilometers away from the city center, the price must be very expensive.

Or sell them an old house that no one lives in?
He cast a large net and often fished.Su Jiarun also has news over there.He found time to show the two of them the house.

Whether it is good or bad, as long as there is no dispute over the house, it can be transferred, the price of the house that is decided to sell can be reduced more, the price of the house that is vacillating can be reduced, and the price of the house that is temporarily sitting can be reduced.As long as it is not excessive, Ji Feiyun will act decisively.

Nine homes had sold by the end of April.

Ji Feiyun said brazenly, "One yuan, write my name on this batch of houses, and write your name on the next batch."

Nan Yongpeng didn't like arguing with her, "Yeah."

Su Jiarun Ghost, this pair of fake brothers and sisters are definitely smart people.Impossible to spend too much money and have nowhere to pick up trash.There is an article in it!
He followed closely and secretly bought two sets.

At the end of the month, an unusual commotion ensues. Restaurant No. 7 Ji Feishuang, Chen Heping, and restaurant manager Ji Guichao were a little flustered. "Nan Yongpeng, housing prices have risen rapidly during this period, and prices will change within three to five days. We have prepared a lot of goods before, do we need to continue to prepare?"

Nan Yongpeng studied finance.He knew that this inflation was caused by the excessive growth of money caused by the overheated economy in recent years.This problem cannot be solved overnight, and it is just the beginning.

"Be as prepared as you can, but with quality."

Ordinary people in cities are still rational, but in remote villages, they are gradually going crazy.

Gao Lanxiang hurriedly called: "Feiyun, the price here is one price per day. Many people are rushing to buy. Today, one person bought a bag of salt. He has a mental illness. He can't eat a bag of salt for ten years. He Hoarding what? He can't sell it to him. He also quarreled with Ji Feishuang, and Ji Feishuang almost got gas. How can he do this now?"

Ji Feiyun wanted to predict: "Mom, I heard from Yuan that this market is expected to last until the end of the year. Why don't we limit shopping?"

"Your eldest sister has limited purchases, but there are still many people rushing to buy them, and they take whatever they see. It didn't take long for them to open the door the next morning."

"Sell yourself, close the door. The eldest sister is about to give birth. What if someone bumps into her accidentally?"

I don't want to go back on May Day.Everyone made an appointment to go to Y city to play, and Su Jiarun was in charge of the three guarantees, but the phone calls from his hometown were frequent, and the eldest brother's due date had also arrived.

In the afternoon, studying art and English, Nan Yongpeng simply asked for leave for Ji Feiyun, and drove back to his hometown after lunch.

Walk fast all the way and get home by ten o'clock.

In the dark night, Ji Feiyun yelled at the door a few times, but there was no sound in the room.

How is this? Gao Lanxiang (transliteration) is preparing to eat hot dishes and meals, when she hears the sound of a car, she will open the door.

"Mom, your child is back!" He shouted again at the top of his voice.

Still no news.Ji Feiyun had no choice but to go to Ji Feishuang.

After shouting a few times, it was still dark, and a neighbor on the second floor opened the door, "Is it Feiyun?" Your eldest sister fell down and went to the health center. "

Ji Feishuang is always very careful.How did he fall?

(End of this chapter)

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