Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 744 Marriage is terrible.

Chapter 744 Marriage is terrible.

Ji Feiyun persuaded: "Dad, Mom, brother-in-law can't survive the iron strike. Find a place to rest and replace him tomorrow."

There was still room in the infusion room, and Ji Shuxing and his wife closed their eyes and rested wearily.

Nan Yongpeng wanted to take Ji Feiyun to sleep in the car, but the blood on the car had not been cleaned up, so he had to rest on the bench in the corridor all night.

Ji Feiyun shrank his body, covering his thigh.

Her heart was so dry that she couldn't sleep.She sat up bored and said, "Yongpeng, getting married is too scary. I won't get married in the future."

During the Spring Festival, I also play with others.I always wanted to grow up fast so I could fall in love and get married.Why do I not want to get married now?

Ji Feiyun's face was full of fear. "If you marry and have children, your life is over."

Nan Yongpeng thought: "You can get married without having children."

"I don't want to tie it."

Nan Yongpeng frowned.How can she say she can change?
"My eldest sister can't even die to give birth to my brother-in-law. My brother-in-law saved my sister and decided not to have children. You said that they both love each other deeply and value each other more than themselves, but their lives are still very bad."

Gao Lanxiang was right.Marriage is a matter of two people, and marriage is a matter of two families.

Nan Yongpeng touched her head, "You can find someone without parents."

"The person I like happens to have both parents dead, how can it be such a coincidence?"

Panting slowly, Nan Yongpeng looked down at her.

The light in the corridor was very dark, and the deep eyes could not see any emotion.

Ji Feiyun looked at Nan Yongpeng, thinking who would be so lucky to be liked by him in the future, there is no conflict between father-in-law and mother-in-law.

She was suddenly jealous.She felt that the bench was too crowded.She climbs up Nam Young-peng and holds him in her arms like a koala.

Nan Yongpeng hugged her and said, "It's getting late. Go to bed."

In his arms, feeling inexplicably at ease, gradually drowsy.

After staying up all night, Nan Yongpeng took Ji Feiyun out for breakfast early and brought back a few more.

Jiang Yunyu passed the critical period and was transferred to the general ward.The man came to life.

Zhuo Yuanyuan stayed with her all night, haggard and exhausted, but she woke up full of energy.

After returning from the ghost gate, Ji Feishuang asked, "Where is the child?"

Zhuo Yuanyuan picked up the child from the nursery. "It's a daughter, seven pounds and two taels. Does your mouth and eyebrows look like yours?"

daughter?Ji Feishuang was stunned, subconsciously looking at Zhuo Yuanyuan.

Zhuo Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief, his daughter-in-law was out of danger and was in the mood to look at her daughter.The child has grown a lot and looks much prettier than last night.

Her hand was very soft, holding his fingers tightly, chanting words in her mouth.Zhuo Yuanyuan's heart began to melt, like a spring flowing in a glacier.

"Remote, do you like this child?"

"Of course." Zhuo Yuanyuan gently stroked her face, his eyes were red, "Our child, how can I not like it?"

Gao Lanxiang walked in and saw the couple laughing and making noise, and the depression in her heart dissipated a little.

Yesterday, the child was taken out of the delivery room.Zhuo Yuan didn't even look at it.He sees himself as patriarchal.Now, he smiles and is gentle with his newborn daughter.

Alas, I hope she thinks too much.

Gao Lanxiang walked into the ward, "Xiaoshuang, Nan Yongpeng and Feiyun bought chicken soup." They drank quickly.Long distance, Xiaoshuang is taken care of by me.You go home and take a rest, and take over later. "

The car was cleaned up, and Nan Yongpeng sent Zhuo to go back remotely.

Along the way, Zhuo Yuanyuan remained silent, his eyebrows tightly knit into a line.

When he went downstairs, his eyes showed gratitude: "Nan Yongpeng, thank you for saving Xiaoshuang's life."

(End of this chapter)

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