Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 750 Do you want to go?

Chapter 750 Do you want to go back?
Of course Ji Feiyun wants to go back, but it depends on Nan Yongpeng.He was recently taken by Professor Guo to attend the Economic Development Summit, and the decoration of the restaurant branch is almost over, so he has to follow up from time to time.

After eating in a foreign restaurant, send Professor Guo back.It was late when he got back to the yard of his house.

Ji Feiyun smelled the wine, and it smelled very strong.

She poked her head over. "Yongpeng, have you been drinking?" Except for the Spring Festival and major festivals, he never drank.

"Professor Guo is not feeling well, I helped him drink a few drinks." There were no non-drinkers at the party.During the meeting, everyone was courteous and the number of wine glasses was amazing.

Ji Feiyun saw that he had a headache and felt uncomfortable, so he handed him the iced watermelon, and said that No. [-] was notified to serve wine.

Seeing her full of hope, Nan Yongpeng didn't refuse, "When?"

"On the 21st, I will go back to my hometown to worship my ancestors."

"Do you want to go back?"


"Are you going back with Feixue?" Professor Guo has asked him to leave on the 21st, and the decoration needs to be inspected and accepted.At the same time, as the backbone of college students, it is necessary to organize and arrange New Year reception and sign-in work.

The light in Ji Feiyun's eyes slowly went out, "But I want to go back with you."

Maybe it's natural to get used to it.As long as she doesn't ask too much, he rarely refuses, "Okay, but he can only stay for two days at most." He has to reschedule and stagger the time.

"Yongpeng, you are so kind." Ji Feiyun stuffed the sliced ​​watermelon into his mouth.

What can Nan Yongpeng do?If you don't, you can raise it all, a little clingy human spirit!
Ji Feiyun knew that he was very busy, so he specially prepared lunch and ate steamed buns on the way.

After a hasty lunch, I picked up Ji Feixue and set off.

During the break, Ji Feixue drove for a while.The speed is not fast, but there are few vehicles on the provincial road, and his driving skills are relatively stable.

Only then did Ji Feiyun know that Ji Feixue had just obtained his driver's license.

Honey, having a good boyfriend is different.Everything was arranged for her.After working as a clothing store employee for half a year, I am more eloquent and more confident than before.

Well, why didn't Nan Yongpeng arrange for her?

He would just stare at her doing her homework, and then buy extracurricular tutoring materials for her to brush up. It's really annoying!

Obviously, they're all big shots.Why is there such a big difference?
After 9 o'clock in the evening, except for the second son who did not come back from DIDU, the whole family was together.

Wu Siyu grew fast, and Gao Lanxiang raised fat meat.She didn't know her own birth at all, hugging Ji Feiyun's hair and giggling.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law live separately, and the boss looks much better.During the day, the child was taken by Gao Lanxiang.If Zhuo Yuanyuan returns to Laojie, she will spend the night at her mother's house.If he was here, they would take the baby home at night.

Her husband's family never came or went, but Ji Feishuang, as a daughter-in-law, would go back to the old street to have dinner with Zhuo Yuanyuan when she was resting, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were neither hot nor cold.

Wu's mother was very patriarchal. "Xiaoshuang, I'm so sorry for you. Siyu should have been brought by me, but who let my body disappoint? It's even hard to take care of myself. It's really troublesome for your mother."

"Don't bother, crows will take revenge, let alone people." Or just as a mother, Jiang Xiaoshuang saw through a lot after returning from hell after giving birth, "My mother is the child's grandma." When Siyu grew up , she wants to be filial to her.It's also right to help take care of her now. "

Not to mention she pretended to be dead, even if she was willing to accept it, Ji Feishuang would not agree.With such a mother-in-law, she doesn't know what kind of children she will bring.

Zhuo's mother was embarrassed, and the smile on her face decreased a little. "Siyu is a few months old. You and Yuan Yao should have a baby soon, while you are still young. The older you are, the harder it is to conceive."

Ji Feishuang knew that he wanted a grandson. "Our debts are not paid off, and if we regenerate, we can't even buy powdered milk diapers. Let's talk about it in a few years. Besides, my mother can't afford it, and Yuan Cheng and I have to earn money to support our family."

"It must be born early. I will bring it for you then."

(End of this chapter)

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