Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 754 She wants to catch up with Nan Yongpeng!

Chapter 754 She wants to catch up with Nan Yongpeng!
Ji Feiyun laughed and cried.Nan Yongpeng is an excellent Versailles.

She suddenly felt that staying up late to study questions was also a happy thing.At least he can continue to pretend he was forced.

On the way back, she said, "Yongpeng, I will give you No.1 in the next exam."

What does it mean to give him Exam No.1?Nan Yongpeng sneered.Dare I say, all the books she read ended up in his mind?

"Okay." Smooth hair.

Ji Feiyun clenched her fists, she wanted to catch up with Nan Yongpeng!
The atmosphere at the parent meeting was very pleasant, and Nan Yongpeng decided to reward her: "Rest on weekends." Combine work and rest, and relax moderately.

Her gaze is firm. "No, I want to avoid the question." How happy she was!


The weather in December is beautiful and cold with cold air coming down south.

Ji Feiyun, who was not wearing long johns, shivered when a heavy rain hit after the sanitation work.

It was getting dark, and Nan Yongpeng hadn't shown up yet.She gritted her teeth, pulled up her sweater and hat to cover her head, and ran in the rain.

As soon as they arrived at the downstairs unit, there was an extremely violent noise from upstairs, mixed with the roar of men and the collapse of women.

In the construction of the teaching unit, except for the He family, the other families are relatively well-educated.When they met in the hallway, they usually greeted each other with smiles, and they didn't see anyone with a red face.

"Mr. Lu, since you are a college student, you are a scumbag. You have the guts to spoil Jingjing. How dare you admit it?" Tan Po shouted, "This is really a crime. My eldest daughter Jingjing It's Huanghua's eldest daughter. You bastard should do worse things than pigs and dogs. I will fight with you..."

Ji Feiyun's head shook.What exactly is going on?

In three steps and two steps, he ran upstairs quickly, and saw the neighbors on the third floor were very busy.Grandma He was so excited that she threw herself at Nan Yongpeng and raised her hand to beat him.

Lu Yuan's face was gloomy, and he turned sideways to avoid it.

Temper seized the momentum, slammed his body against the wall, and shouted, "Ouch..."

Father He clenched his fists and rushed over: "Lu, you spoiled my daughter so much that you dare to beat my mother. Is it easy to bully my family?"

He rushed to Lu Yuan.Nan Yongpeng grabbed his arm and pressed it against the wall.He shouted, "Say I ruined your daughter. Where's the proof?"

"This is the proof." Amy Tan's mother raised the quilt and shouted to the crowd: "You tricked my daughter into the room, but you can't coax her around with sweet words, and then beat her to make her obey."

There was a bloodstain on the bed cover, and several women couldn't understand it.He Qingling seemed to be broken.

Indeed, Nan Yongpeng recognized his face, but not his heart.At least he is also a top student at X City Chinese University.He looks good and has money in his family.How could he do such a dirty thing?

Mother He pulled up her crying daughter who was squatting in the corner, "Look, what does my daughter look like?" This son of a bitch wouldn't admit it? "

He Qingling's clothes were disheveled, her mouth was bruised, her eyes were red and swollen, and there were several spots on her arms.It looked like she was humiliated.

Everyone was in an uproar.Is this too inhumane?Beast!
Nan Yongpeng did not panic.He glanced at He Qingling coldly. "When and where did you say I ruined you?"

He Qingling covered his face and burst into tears.

Mother He was very angry and had no one to support her daughter.On Saturday night, Jingjing came back from her night shift.You pull her into the room. "

"Today is Saturday, two days have passed. Why do you say it now?" Lu Yuan asked, "Why don't you come to me for justice?"

" don't want to lose face, my daughter still wants to lose face. At that time you lied to her that you were responsible for her. In order to maintain Jingjing's reputation, we swallowed it. But you played with her, and now you regret getting married. You son of a bitch, this is forcing my daughter to die..."

(End of this chapter)

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