Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 767 It's useless for you to scold Qingling.

Chapter 767 It's useless for you to scold Qingling.

Mrs. He regretted: "So... what should I do? This didn't push Nan Yongpeng into the fire pit. He didn't do it. How can he admit that Qingling is confused?" Thinking of what he said at school these days , I cried, knelt, and even brought pesticides to the Academic Affairs Office to put pressure.I really want to dig a hole in the ground.

"Mother Qingling, there is no turning back now. It is useless for you to scold Qingling." Grandma He gained weight and became firm. "We have to bite Nan Yongpeng to death and force him to marry Qingling as soon as possible. When the two get married, Qingling will be very humble. Our family will respect him more, and he will forgive Qingling sooner or later."

"Grandma, those people came to me again today. The photos they took were taken by Ji Feiyun. Just now they threatened me to delete them and send them out. Nan Yongpeng can't marry me."

Tanabo was in a daze. "It took days to develop the photos. They didn't come out so soon. Wait until your father comes back. Anyway, the photos can't come out, or Qing Ling's life will be over, and we will have to be stabbed off the spine by someone. We have to Bitten to death, this is Lu Yuan's doing."

Amy Tan's mother has never been a backbone, she can only listen to her mother-in-law.

The whole family was crying, upset, beating their chests, and sighing, and no one noticed that something was shaking slightly outside the window.

On the dark rooftop, Ji Feiyun plucked the strings and picked up the tape recorder in the basket.

She pressed the rear button, put it to her ear, and listened intoxicated, as if it was the most beautiful sound of nature in the world.

Dele, Qi is alive!

Humming a song, he walked downstairs with brisk steps.

Lu Yuan came back, frowned and said, "Where have you been?"

Ji Feiyun was in a good mood.He handed him the tape in the tape recorder. "Baby Qian, do you think I'm okay?"

Hearing the recording, Nan Yongpeng frowned: "How did you record it?"

This is not an easy task.First scare He Qingling downstairs.When she panicked, she was sure to speak to her family first.But unexpectedly, she not only planted Nan Yongpeng, but also hid it from her family.

Said she was stupid.She knows how to frame Nam Young Peng for an umbrella; calling her smart and stupid.Nan Yongpeng did not even surrender to the evil forces.Can she hold her hand?
What courage when evil is approaching, brain water!

If you don't beat it, you will die.Ji Feiyun took out several tapes and notebooks, "Yongpeng, these are the people who slandered you in the building. You can't let any of them go."

Nan Yongpeng opened her notebook.She really remembers very carefully who, where, when, and what she said was suspected of defamation.

Alas, I don't know what to say about her.Isn't it delicious to learn this kind of kung fu?

It really should be over.Nan Yongpeng took these things out to find a lawyer, but Ji Feiyun stopped him, "Yongpeng, you forgot to bring something."


Ji Feiyun stretched out his hand, raised his chin, and snorted: "You forgot to bring me here." These people were not the only ones she wanted to defeat.After being oppressed for so long, it's time to stand up.

Nan Yongpeng couldn't see her nose. "What are you?"

"Bah." Ji Feiyun corrected, "I'm not a thing."

Nan Yongpeng asked: "Aren't you a thing?"

Ahh, Ji Feiyun went crazy, raised his fist and hit him, "Yong Peng, you are so annoying."

Nan Yongpeng was in a good mood and took her hand downstairs.

Pick up a lawyer and report directly to the police station.

It was the last group of people who were surprised by Nam Yongpeng's arrival.Represented by lawyers, less than two people spoke while the evidence was turned in in an orderly but erratic manner.

They are experienced case handlers.After reading the medical records and listening to the He family's recording, they had already made a judgment in their hearts.However, they still called the hospital according to the procedure to confirm that the medical records were true.

For He Qingling, who is both a victim and a perpetrator, even investigators have nothing to say.What ignorance!
However, he also wanted to know: "Children, since you witnessed their crimes, why didn't you call the police immediately?"

"Shu, I called the police. Because the police at the police station in the jurisdiction acted slowly, the victim didn't want to call the police, so he hid." Her face was innocent, and her eyes were pure and indifferent. "Now, do you believe my brother was framed?"

The staff member nodded, "We will file a case."

"Can you give us a police report after you file the case?"

to the client?There is no such precedent.

(End of this chapter)

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