Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 769 It's Disgusting!

Chapter 769 It's Disgusting!
"Let me put it this way, Nam Yongpeng wants money, looks and talent. How does he look like He Qingling? It turned out to be a trap. It's disgusting."

"Looking at this police report, it says that He Qingling was involved in another case, and the details should not be released for the time being. Should she have slept with someone else, but was planted by Nan Yongpeng?"

"The He family is really shameless. They took the sheets and went to the Academic Affairs Office to make trouble. It is estimated that they cut their fingers and then painted them on themselves. It is said that her mother is strong enough. She brought pesticides yesterday."

"No one wants that sheet?" This is where Nam Young-peng sleeps.I really want it. "

The school acted quickly this time.After verifying the case with the police station, the police station immediately issued a notice asking Tan's mother to leave the family hospital immediately.

This beautiful radio station just so happens to be from the Culture and Entertainment department of the Student Union.She has secretly licked Nan Yongpeng for a long time.These days, she doesn't think about food and tea, she has lost several kilograms.She firmly believes that those who seized the opportunity to fall into the well smashed the table!
Knowing that Nan Yongpeng had landed, she immediately remembered like a spring.The noon show turned into a hot topic.On the horrific campus violence incident, she hinted that there was not a single swear word in the entire article, but she severely satirized the person who smashed the table.

Finally, I ordered a song for Nan Yongpeng.How can you meet a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?I want to see your sincere smile.

Su Jiarun was very cruel, so he simply asked her to do a special program and discuss it for a few days.Shame on those lemon essences that fell into the well.

When Ji Feiyun was free, he played the tape repeatedly on the basketball court.When there were a lot of people, it was her grandparents who told her the story. She kept it a secret for several days. When her grandparents saw her from a distance, they made a detour.

Finally, Nan Yongpeng lost sight, and she stopped playing childish games, "Have you finished your homework? Did you write the question? Is there a helicopter?"

The soul asked three times, which made Ji Feiyun feel sour immediately.Don't say anything, it makes me very happy to brush the questions!
Tan's father, mother and grandmother were sentenced to 15 days of detention and a fine of 50 yuan for participating in the crime of covering up, coercion and intimidation.The case was transferred by the police station to the public prosecution agency, waiting for the result of the public prosecution and the trial.

Ji Feiyun bought several buckets of red paint and splashed it on the door lock of the brown-brown house.

Mother He came out of the detention center and hurried to school without even entering the house.She cried and said that she was also cheated by her daughter, and hoped that the school would give her a chance.How will you live in the future if you lose your job?

People from the school's logistics department watched the frustrated He family pack up their things, hired someone to clean up the paint, returned the keys and moved away.

The family didn't go down, and stood at the gate of their own yard with their eyes wide open.Finally, Father He gritted his teeth, "Our transportation team has a dormitory. Why don't I go to the unit leader to discuss and open a room for us?"

With no money in his pocket, he had to take a rickety bus to the transport company.Unexpectedly, the security guard at the door would not let him in, saying that Tan Fu had been fired.

Father He was very angry and made a lot of noise at the door.

The security guard said coldly: "Master Tan, why were you fired? Don't you know? Hurry up. Our business is too big. You will definitely show off today, and you will have difficulty finding a job in the future."

Father He anxiously handed the last cigarette in his pocket to the security guard: "Old Qiao, we are old acquaintances. You should at least tell me."

The security guard took two puffs of cigarettes, "It's not about your family entering the detention center. You said your daughter didn't understand. What did you get involved in?"

Yes, Ji Feiyun left a copy of all the evidence.On the second day after the police report came out, he took Su Jiarun directly to the transportation company.

She just did what mother He did.

He Qingling's father was very angry and slapped He Qingling's mother. "Look at your good daughter, our whole family was killed by her. This is a disaster. Why doesn't she die! No one will care about her in the future, it's better to live in prison."

Mother He squatted on the ground, covering her face and crying.How can she survive today?Her son is still in high school, waiting to ask for money.She and her husband are out of work again.Now she doesn't even have a place to live.It seems that she can only live under the bridge tonight.

He Qingling was prosecuted in the detention center.Plus, she's spoiled, perhaps fearful of reprisal.She kept silent and just cried, but investigators still judged the killers based on the photos and arrested them immediately.

Man is not as good as heaven.They hid the day they sinned, they couldn't even find a shadow.

It was later heard that He Qingling cut her wrist in the detention center and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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