Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 776 Within Controllable Range!

Chapter 776 Within Controllable Range!

Nan Yongpeng spent a few days to understand the operation of this year, often checking suspicious accounts.There are many small problems, but no major problems.

It's been a tough year, but mall profits are the most impressive.Due to the purchase and purchase restrictions in the early stage, the income of the food factory has declined, but it is also within the controllable range.

After the regulation of the state, people's income continues to increase.Although inflation will continue, impetuous public sentiment has stabilized.

He simplified the account book and gave Ji Feiyun a copy.

The money is earned, but the children are not happy.Nan Yongpeng did not send flowers.All she sees are numbers.No matter how much money, it is useless.

Alas, keep brushing the questions and get rid of them ASAP.

Now she can finally understand fourth grade.Taking the college entrance examination is not easy.No wonder her eyes were disfigured.

It is New Year's Eve in a blink of an eye, and every house is bustling.

Gao Lanxiang prepared the New Year's Eve dinner early and asked Ji Feiyun to call Ji Feishuang to see where she and Zhuo Yuanyuan had dinner.

After shouting for a long time, there was no one left.As a result, he ran into Zhuo Yuanyuan at the intersection.Seeing Zhuo Yuanyuan holding the medicine in his hand, Ji Feiyun was startled. "Sister is sick?" You look bad.

Zhuo Yuanyuan smiled, "She's fine."

Which hospital are you going to?It is unlucky to go to the hospital for 30 years, which is very taboo in rural areas.In the new year, you can't do taboo things, and you can't say unlucky words.

Ji Feishuang smiled: "Feiyun, I really have nothing to do. You want to be a little aunt again."

Ji Feiyun was stunned for a long time before he found out that Ji Feishuang was pregnant again.I was born not long ago.How can it be like dumplings?Speed, sister and husband are awesome!

Hearing the good news on New Year's Eve, the Ji family was overjoyed.This son-in-law is really good.

According to the custom, when they were going back to their husband's house for the New Year, the two had just packed up when Zhuo Yuanxia's voice came, "Brother, sister-in-law."

A family of three stood outside the door, carrying big bags and small bags. "I'm here to buy vegetables, Cheng Xiaojiang doesn't know how to cook, wait for my elder brother and sister-in-law to show me."

Gao Lanxiang was stunned.Zhuo Yuanxia was willing to pay for the food, so she didn't eat and drink for free?
Zhuo Yuanxia came in with pomelo and sausage. "Auntie, thanks to your family's previous care, I am more careful. Happy New Year. In the new year, my name is Auntie."

Gao Lanxiang: "..."

Firecrackers sounded, and every family celebrated the New Year.

Gao Lanxiang said distressedly: "Baby, this wine is both cheap and expensive. I heard that when it sells for about 100 yuan, you can't find it outside. Take a few bites, more than 100 yuan, and it will disappear. You'd better To take it back and put it away. Drinking is such a waste."

"Today, we are very happy. This bottle of wine is still selling for more than 9 yuan. Don't waste it."

Gao Lanxiang was very happy when she heard that she had bought a big bargain. "Drink, everyone."

It was just after dinner.Ji Feiyun came to Xiaobailou with the phone book, thinking about wishing New Year one by one.

"Have you eaten?" Obviously, there was no one in the hall, but the voice came: "What do you eat for the New Year?" Where did you go after you came back?Won't you forget me these days?do you want to eatWell, well, then I will leave you alone. "

Ji Feiyun tiptoed, pinched his nose, and said coldly: "Ji Feilong, how dare you..."

Like black and white impermanence, the fourth child who was squatting on the phone on the phone trembled and quickly jumped up.

Just about to scold someone, he blushed when he saw his sister lying to him.

"Fourth brother, sister Shuhua? If you don't admit to being in love, you ask others if they miss him, ouch!"

"Sister, stop talking nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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