Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 780 The brilliance of maternal love.

Chapter 780 The brilliance of maternal love.

Nan Yongpeng also noticed his changes.His resentment and hostility disappeared, and his whole person became gentle and tolerant, as if he had suddenly reconciled with the world.

In the end, this is an older woman, and the risk of pregnancy is still very high.Old Guo is more nervous than Professor Guo.She took a lot of anti-uterine drugs, and made her lover stay in bed more, for fear that she might accidentally move her fetus.

Ji Feiyun was really happy for Professor Guo.She is not as sad as she used to be.Her eyebrows and the corners of her eyes are full of smiles, and her body is full of the radiance of maternal love.

Older pregnant women are really dangerous.Ji Feiyun will come over on weekends, and will wisely accompany her to the hospital for a pregnancy test.When he sees her in a bad mood, he will secretly cheat on her.

Taking time to call home, Zhuo Yuanxia took the shop on the first floor to do business.The couple opened a fish stall, selling raw fish, making fish balls, serving fish balls, etc., and paying Zhuo Yuanyuan monthly rent at the market price.

There are only three rooms on the second floor.The couple and their children live in two rooms.Cheng Xiaojiang had to pay the rent, but was refused.Zhuo Yuanyuan spent money to buy Anle.Renting two rooms is to honor Wu's mother.Let the couple take good care of their mother.When he is free, he will go back to accompany the elderly.

Afraid of her sister-in-law's suspicion, Zhuo Yuanxia handed over the rent of the store to Ji Feishuang herself.

"Cheng Xiaojiang does have some skills. He taught Zhuo Yuanxia like a different person. It looks good now, I don't know what will happen in the future. This old widow is very smart. In front of her son-in-law, she is not only not a devil, but also The little mop mops surprisingly well."

Ji Feiyun is used to it. "Mom, let her go. Anyway, it's a good thing for my sister to see it. She doesn't love Feishuang, and she doesn't think Feishuang will respect her in the future. When I'm sick and need someone to take care of me, Don't call me sister and Feishuang, just look for her daughter and grandson."

"Look, she'll get better in the future."


Without Ji Feiyun's constant coquettish operations, Nan Yongpeng was able to relax.He spent all his spare time on her, completing all the remaining courses in the sixth grade, making it more and more difficult to brush the questions.

Ji Feiyun broke the pen in anger. "Baby, the teacher said that these are the knowledge points of junior high school." Did she dig his ancestral grave?

"You even know the knowledge points of junior high school, but you are afraid of being promoted to junior high school."

Say hello to him, hello to him, hello to him!
Two months after brushing my teeth, I have a sore skull and throw up in the toilet.

"Yongpeng, you are not normal!"

Nan Yongpeng calmly handed over the Banlangen granules, "You have a cold, and it has nothing to do with brushing your teeth."


At the end of April, the affiliated primary school held a parent meeting and announced the number of students entering higher education. 4% of employees' children qualified and only 70 non-employee children.Ji Feiyun ranked first and second overall.

Don't be disappointed if you don't get a direct promotion.The city also has the opportunity to participate in the unified entrance examination for junior high schools.

Squad leader Ren handed the admission notice to Nan Yongpeng, "Congratulations to Brother Feiyun. Feiyun was assigned to the key class of the attached middle school. However, this semester is not over yet, and I hope she can continue."

Under the envious eyes of all parents, Nan Yongpeng left gracefully.

Ji Feiyun suffered from a severe cold, his voice was hoarse, and his throat was full of breath.Looking at the admission notice, his tears fell.

As soon as Nan Yongpeng returned to the room, the neighbor suddenly screamed, "I'm free, hahaha, I'm finally free!"

Ji Feiyun went crazy and threw away all the practice questions and textbooks, "Fuck his grandma, I passed the exam!"

She stood on the bed and jumped and jumped, throwing mountains of test papers all over the sky, like a heavy snowfall.

Nan Yongpeng stood by the door, staring at her without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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