Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 786 I don't want to open a factory!

Chapter 786 I don't want to open a factory!

"When can I pick up trash?" Ji Feiyun opened his mouth and said, "The teacher said that all eggs should not be put in one basket, and we have a lot of extracurricular books in our hands. Let's change it."

Nan Yongpeng frowned: "What do you want the factory to do?" Is it difficult for him to open a factory?He doesn't want to, and doesn't have the energy.

"I don't want factories. I just love the land."

"What do you want that piece of land for?" Such a large state-owned factory cannot be bought.Even if people were willing to sell currency, they wouldn't operate a printing press.They can have as much as they want.

"You can do anything." Ji Feiyun was seldom serious. "Don't you think that there are more and more shopping malls in G City, and fewer and fewer factories in the urban area? They have to move out or close to be acquired and remodeled. The machinery factory is next to the train station and bus station, and the daily There is a lot of traffic, as long as you get the land, are you afraid you won’t do business?”

"No money." Don't tell him about the mortgage.It's almost there.

"You can cooperate and make a fortune together."


Ji Feiyun wanted it wholeheartedly, the more he wanted it, the more greedy he became.One night, he pestered Nan Yongpeng and said, "ah, Nan Yongpeng, don't rush to refuse, at least ask first."

Nan Yongpeng took a look at her and let her feel it for herself.

It didn't work.Ji Feiyun immediately became tough and gave him an ultimatum, "Yongpeng, if you disagree, we will break up."

Don't threaten him with breaking up.If love breaks up, who can't do without whom?
Seeing that he was unmoved, Ji Feiyun turned his head and said again: "Yong Peng, I actually did this for you."

Hehe, thank her very much.He doesn't need her to take care of his mouth.

"You're going to be a junior soon. Even if you graduate from college in the blink of an eye, you can't knock and knock and lose the watermelon like you used to. We either don't do it. If we want to do it, we have to get Grades, bite off the machinery factory, and you will be able to show your strength after graduation."

Shopping malls, restaurants, private restaurants, food factories, shopping malls, and streets also contracted more than a dozen canteens. She called it "picking sesame seeds"?
Nan Yongpeng gave Ji Feiyun a cold look, and said slowly, "You can go to heaven now."

"As a man, you can take a long-term view." Ji Feiyun's voice and emotions were very vivid, he put on a winning posture, held his head up and said: "Yongpeng, there is no upper limit to your journey, it is between the stars and the sea." ..."

"go out!"

Nan Yongpeng was pestered by her for a few days and felt very unhappy, so he had to call Zhao Yufei to inquire.

Zhao Yufei froze for a moment, then smiled on the phone: "Your son is a dog. His nose is very smart. Where are the business opportunities? Where are you going?"

"I happened to pass by here that day. I saw the factory was on strike. I heard the factory was closed, so I came to tell you."

Zhao Yufei felt a headache about this.Their department is not responsible for this hot potato, but for the relevant municipal departments, this mess is too big.Moreover, according to the above description, the machinery factory has a large sector, which not only needs to solve the factory debt, employee layoffs, and salary issues, but also involves urban planning and development.Therefore, multi-departmental coordination and cooperation hope to come up with a satisfactory solution. This is not simply selling factories and machines to pay workers in arrears, but seeing the future and development.

The location of the machinery factory is very good, but there is a private Ji Feishuang who wants to buy it, and even foreign investors want to participate in the shares.But it's hard to say it took advantage of the fire.In short, this is only a temporary solution, not a permanent one.The above is not satisfied.

Zhao Yufei had a headache. "Some people want to buy food factories, some people want to start clothing factories, foreign investors want to do precision machinery. What do you want to do?"

"I don't have any specific ideas yet, so I'm looking for you."

"The machinery factory covers an area of ​​more than 6000 square meters, and it is also in the city center. Many people are staring at this piece of fat. The future is foreseeable, but we are still trying to find a way that is consistent with planning and development. This is a nominal supervision project, and it will soon attract foreign investment bids. If you are interested, you can negotiate and register with the planning plan. If it meets the development wishes, you can also get policy support.”

It's no secret.Zhao Yufei gave him some information about the negotiated price.The price of cabbage is one aspect, mainly because you can see the end at a glance without changing the soup.Since it is necessary to squeeze and boil, it must be squeezed thoroughly to avoid repeated attacks and treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

(End of this chapter)

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