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Chapter 793 is really the same.

Chapter 793 is really the same.

Ji Feiyun listened to the recording and smiled with satisfaction: "Brother Li, you are worth more than 20,000, and you need to add a few zeros after it."

In the second round of bidding, Lin Qingshan basically hammered out his voice.During the day, he fixes the map and discusses it with the team at night.Su Jiarun said that the dragon saw the head but not the tail.It is said that the houses of his relatives were all covered with bunks.

Zhao Yufei wanted to make it easier for Nan Yongpeng to travel, and arranged for them to be No.1 in the second round of bidding.After all, people have preconceived consciousness.As a result, they came back from the dinner party.Pengfei management is arranged last, and auspicious clothing is arranged first.

There is no justice in this sort of thing, and if you say no, you have to back off.

"Besides, it is said that their company spent a lot of money to form a well-known design team, and the activities have been very frequent recently, you should know."

From the beginning to the end, after two months of hard work, everyone's heart was covered with a shadow, and their hearts were full of anger.

On the day of bidding, the crowd deliberately arrived early and waited quietly in the reception hall.

Representatives of auspicious costumes are very high-profile.The first one is a middle-aged fat man.It is said that he is the director of the factory.He regarded the city hall as his home and received many people.At first glance, he is Lao Jihu.

It took an hour and a half for each family, but they came out two hours later.Everyone is full of spring and it seems like they won.

Although the two sides did not confront each other head-on, they seemed to know Nan Yongpeng and others very well, and showed provocative expressions when they left.

Su Jiarun was very angry and resisted the urge to hit them.

Nan Yongpeng was very calm. "Don't think about it. What they eat is opportunistic. Even if you didn't say much that day, there will be results today." This is the rule of the mall, and there will be more dirty things in the future.

The latter two came out on time, with no expression on their faces, and left in a low voice.

When Zhao Yufei came out, he looked at Nan Yongpeng through the air, which made people feel bad.Everyone's heart sank suddenly.

At noon, several people were eating outside, but Su Jiarun suddenly disappeared, and there was no news of how to call.

Li searched around, but didn't even see a shadow.

Seeing that the time was up, a few people could only enter the venue.Nan Yongpeng temporarily served as the keynote speaker.He dealt with it calmly and spent about 30 minutes talking about it.It is very specific in every way, from scale, to coverage, to radiant diffusion, to the design of specific buildings.

Su Jiarun came in 20 minutes after he spoke.He was sweating profusely and made an apologetic gesture.There is a delay.

What you fear comes from what you fear.After the explanation, you move on to the question section.Sure enough, someone asked: "Your plan is very good, but it is 90% the same as Jixiang's plan. I wonder if you can explain it?"

"It's really the same." Su Jiarun panted and said slowly: "It's not that we are the same, but he is the same as us."

The other party asked: "What do you say? They are the first to explain in the morning, and you are the last in the afternoon. Can't the front be the same as the back?"

Su Jiarun is neither humble nor overbearing. "In the first round we were ahead of them."

"The first round is just a preliminary concept, and the plan is still relatively abstract, unlike today's design from every detail to every link."

Lin Qingshan took out the recording and played it for them.

Everyone looked at each other, and after a moment of silence, someone spoke up, "From the voice, the other party did mention Jiyi, but it can't be ruled out that it's a fake trap, unless that person is discovered?" But Jixiang Clothing has hundreds of employees, so it's not easy to find it. "

Lin Qingshan accurately stated the person's appearance.

"Seeing is believing, hearing is not. Do you have any other evidence? Such as photos."

(End of this chapter)

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