Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 80 What a Lucky Star!

Chapter 80 What a Lucky Star!

Nan Yongpeng thought about it and took the money.

There is a lot of work to be done in this area.Gao Lanxiang successfully inserted her daughter into Nan Yongpeng and hurried back.

The villa is huge.Although things have been moved, there are still beds, stools, tables and chairs.

Nan Yongpeng took Ji Feiyun to the market to buy daily necessities.

Ji Feiyun sniffed his face and pouted all the way.

Nan Yongpeng thought that an oil bottle could be hung on it.

"Still mad at me?" It's hard to raise kids these days.

"I rented a house. You can't drive me away in the future." Ji Feiyun stared at him with a small face and said, "For you to take care of me, I can live in a room with you." If you bully me again, I will drive you away . "Give him a taste of being fired.

"Okay." The child is the oldest.She does what she says.

As we all know, this "good" made Ji Feiyun very angry.Unsurprisingly, he admitted to bullying her and kicked her out because he thought she was a burden.

He stared at him, pouted. "Don't think I'll forgive you!"

Nan Yongpeng cried and said with a smile: "How can you forgive me?"

Ji Feiyun rolled his eyes and continued to keep a straight face: "Unless you make me steamed lamb, steamed bear's paw, steamed deer tail, roasted duck, roasted chicken..."

If you can name dozens of dishes in one breath, you won't be afraid to take your breath away.

Nan Yongpeng didn't speak, but looked at her quietly.

Alright, Ji Feiyun took back what he said just now, but he didn't want to let him go easily.Herbal pork ribs soup, braised pork, sliced ​​mushroom meat, fried cabbage with minced garlic, egg drop soup.This is what she wants!

Five dishes for five people is a bit extravagant, but not too extravagant.

This child is not easy to raise, she can only satisfy herself.

After shopping for the necessities, they returned to the store to get busy.

The three brothers and sisters of the Ji family were all surprised to see their sister, but they were all very happy.I didn't want to tire her before, but I didn't know she wasn't there.I have no fun at all.I don't think the chow mein is as fragrant as it used to be.

Ji Feiyun smiled triumphantly, and announced loudly: "Brother and sister, I'm back!"

"Just came back." Ji Feilong happily picked her up and kissed her directly.It's nice to have a sister!
Ji Feiyun was very happy, and the whole family was happy for his second and third legs.

Seeing her tired of other people, Nam Yong-peng was upset.Everyone agreed to let Feiyun go home.Why was he the only one who got special treatment in the end?

When they learned that they had already rented the villa, the three siblings were too shocked to speak. 15 yuan a month is not cheap, enough for their family's living expenses for two months.But thinking of not being able to rent a house, the younger sister had to run around from morning to night, and the three of them gritted their teeth.This is a big deal.They work harder and earn more money.No matter how hard and tired, Feiyun will not be tired.

The villa is large and exquisite, and a group of people quickly allocated rooms.

The brothers live downstairs.There is another room for Ji Feixue on the second floor.Now go and roll up your futon.

Ji Feiyun didn't know how to clean when he was young.Nan Yongpeng helped wash all the mattresses, sheets and quilt covers and hung them on the balcony to dry.

The wind on the river was blowing slowly, and Nan Yongpeng was in a trance.He lived in a cowshed a month ago and now lives in a a dream.

Ji Feiyun, how many secrets does she have?

The second and the others made their beds and just arrived in the classroom.Ji Feiyun waved to them from the balcony on the second floor: "Brothers and sisters, come back early today. Let's have a big meal to celebrate."

Living in the capitalist's building and eating a big meal, the three of them are looking forward to it.Xiao Feiyun, what a lucky star!
In a boring afternoon, Ji Feiyun took the key and opened the three bungalows next door.

The courtyard of the bungalow is large, but the windows are small and the light is dim, but the design of the old building is like this.There are two rooms and half a large backyard in the hall.At that point, three flat yards could be cleaned up, the flaking and blistered walls repainted, and rented out.Rent can be offset.

(End of this chapter)

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